99 4.0 ohv problems :-( | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 4.0 ohv problems :-(

well i fixed it. i was changing my coolant last night and while i had my lights shining on the engine i noticed the bolts holding down the intake manifold were raised up from the surface.....tightened them down good and tight, started up the truck, took on a nice long test drive. before doing so i reset the computer so the light was off. i went out and did a few WOT 0-60 runs, that went fine, then did a few 45-60 WOT pulls, then jumped on the highway and went from 45-95 WOT a few times......no CEL thrown up yet. plus its not struggling anymore. before it wouldnt even go that fast. so i think its fixed. sure seems to be. i feels pretty stupid. i had noticed those bolts looking loose many times before but just assumed there was a small washer or something under them. ugh....whatever. its fixed. and my coolant is clean! you should have seem what came out. omg

anyways.....thanks for all the help. i learned alot from this experience. and i really like this site so i'll be stinking around. my name is Josh by the way

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well i fixed it. i was changing my coolant last night and while i had my lights shining on the engine i noticed the bolts holding down the intake manifold were raised up from the surface.....tightened them down good and tight, started up the truck, took on a nice long test drive. before doing so i reset the computer so the light was off. i went out and did a few WOT 0-60 runs, that went fine, then did a few 45-60 WOT pulls, then jumped on the highway and went from 45-95 WOT a few times......no CEL thrown up yet. plus its not struggling anymore. before it wouldnt even go that fast. so i think its fixed. sure seems to be. i feels pretty stupid. i had noticed those bolts looking loose many times before but just assumed there was a small washer or something under them. ugh....whatever. its fixed. and my coolant is clean! you should have seem what came out. omg

anyways.....thanks for all the help. i learned alot from this experience. and i really like this site so i'll be stinking around. my name is Josh by the way

WOOHOO! Good job, Josh :) Glad she's all fixed up now. :thumbsup:

cool beans josh .i been a member here for many years .i dont post a whole lot but theres a wealth of info here that me and my ex cant live without.

Never overlook the obvious! Glad you figured it out! Many happy trouble free miles to you!
