A quick odometer and speedometer question. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A quick odometer and speedometer question.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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1999 sport
I took off all my gauge needles to redo the color. When i put them back on i think i have it right. I set my speed with the cruse control at 60. It took me 30 seconds for the odometer to go from .o miles to .5 miles. So i was right on. My friend told me that the odometer might read from the speedometer so it can still be off. Is this true?

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Yes, there is one signal going into the speedometer, and it feeds both. The needle on the speedometer is very likely off, check it driving next to another vehicle. I used a little trial and error, mine was 35mph too fast to begin with. Good luck,

ok thank for the reply. I don't think it's to off maybe 5-10 but i just want it to be a lot closer b/c a ticket will be more of a PIA then fixing it.

Hunt for a speed display near construction zones, those help.
