A Source for Door Pull Handle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A Source for Door Pull Handle?


New Member
March 8, 2007
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City, State
Hampstead, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Mazda Navajo DX
Hey guys,

Does anyone out there know where to get pull handles for an Explorer Sport XL? I can find them for other models but not the stripped model. Or how hard would it be to buy and install some complete junkyard doors as far as wiring?

Thanks for the help


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like you, I searched everywhere for xl pull handles and had no luck, so I made a set out of Hemlock wood... I think they turned out pretty good. If i can figure out to post a picture of them I will !!!


I found a set off of ebay fairly cheap LINK HERE. This is the guy i got mine from. When the first one came, it had a small crack from shipping, he shipped another very fast.

when you get it you just grind off the old tabs with a dremel and use the push tabs to install the new one.

also if you have a good size local salvage yard they may not have one in the yard, but might have one on a rack somewhere, or be able to order one in quickly. Local yard to me actually had the hinge for my arm-wrest in stock.

Any Luck?

Did you have any luck finding these. I need them for alll four doors! :thumbdwn:

On ebay they are $18. You have to use a grinder or something to cut the old tabs off. The new handle comes with clips to install. Took me $20 minutes super easy
