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A4LD Valve Body Rebuild Diary

Good info for when I get that far in my rebuild:salute:

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Hi There, Fantastic article and the A4LD rebuild also, can't thank you enough.
I'm in the UK, I don't own an explorer but a Ford Granada Scorpio 2.0L DOHC with a 94 A4LD.
To get to the bottom line, I've decided to rebuild the 94 box that I took out 3 years ago and use it.
Autos here are not popular and rebuilders expensive and mostly useless.
So, having read all your articles I've stripped it down and have some questions.
I have pics of everything I did, became elite, tried upload but small 125KB/photo, mine are all over 1.5MB !!! so I tried zip...20MB limit, still said photo limit....oh well.
I am missing 2 springs in the VB, do you think ford removed them due to my 2L engine.
It is the large one that goes with the 2-3 shift & 2-3 TMV .
Also I noted when undoing the low reverse servo cover bolts to watch out for the spring underneath....lol there wasn't one....no spring !!
I can't find anywhere to get these springs.
Any help would be great, I'm thinking Makco for parts I need for rebuild.
If someone will mail me the springs I'll happily pay for them.

Many thanks.

so i just bought the transgo shift kit... i had a few questions regaurding the hole you drill... it came with 2 drill bits which are what size? i do not have access to a number set of drill bits atm and i was wondering if just the 2 drill bits that come with the kit are enough to make all the holes?

also i was looking and for the boost valve it says the big blue one for the outer and a white one for the inner... but there is 2 white springs (one i guess doesnt get used beings i have the 2 solenoid vb) both the white springs are the same in size but one is a bit longer? which one is the propper one for the boost valve inner?

I'm not sure which is which on those as you ask, but the answers should be in the instructions. I haven't done that kit since 1998, but I can say that TransGo makes the most precise instructions of anyone.

If you take your time and read the instructions very slow, I think it should be clear what to do. There should be a picture of the drills in the instructions, and that will be made to scale so you can verify which drill to use. You only need those that are in the kit. With the springs it is possible depending on your model that not all of those are needed. Just reread them carefully, and you can figure it out. There is also a tech line phone number that should work if needed. Good luck and take your time, use a 1/4" torque wrench to tighten the bolts.

I'm not sure which is which on those as you ask, but the answers should be in the instructions. I haven't done that kit since 1998, but I can say that TransGo makes the most precise instructions of anyone.

If you take your time and read the instructions very slow, I think it should be clear what to do. There should be a picture of the drills in the instructions, and that will be made to scale so you can verify which drill to use. You only need those that are in the kit. With the springs it is possible depending on your model that not all of those are needed. Just reread them carefully, and you can figure it out. There is also a tech line phone number that should work if needed. Good luck and take your time, use a 1/4" torque wrench to tighten the bolts.

i didnt see any markings on the drill bits themself nor did i see a picture on the instructions... i will re-read them (its more re-look due to the whole sheet being a picture of a vb and the all the vb internals) and i'll go from there. please chime in anyone else that has more info! thanks

I know that I saved those instructions but I have no idea where they are. That was a long time ago, I've lost lots of stuff since then, LOL.

i know how that goes which is why i invested in a lock box which all my truck receipts and instructions now go into lol... i may just call transgo to double check if i start the project b4 you get back home and post back what you find with the drill bit sizes

I did find here in my office the manual and TransGo instructions for a 5R55E I worked on. Try these phone numbers also, they may be helpful to get through to TransGo.


The listed Product Support # is (626)443-7451

thanks a bunch! im not a fan of calling companies lol it seems i always get idiots on the phone that know nothing about the product!

The tech guys at TransGo will be the opposite. They will know the trans so well and with such detail and specific names, you will have a hard time following them. Just be specific with your questions and take the time to be sure their answer makes sense to you.

I spoke with Gill Younger(originator of TransGo and the Shift Kit) in the early days(80's) when he typically answered the phones. He liked helping people then, but he got frustrated by a lot of people trying to second guess his designs to correct problems. I enjoyed talking with him back then, the AOD was the problem trans at that time.

The tech guys at TransGo will be the opposite. They will know the trans so well and with such detail and specific names, you will have a hard time following them. Just be specific with your questions and take the time to be sure their answer makes sense to you.

I spoke with Gill Younger(originator of TransGo and the Shift Kit) in the early days(80's) when he typically answered the phones. He liked helping people then, but he got frustrated by a lot of people trying to second guess his designs to correct problems. I enjoyed talking with him back then, the AOD was the problem trans at that time.

thank god someone will know more than me about what there product is for! thanks also for the heads up so i can put extra attention to hopefully allow me to completely understand!

do you have to have the little filter for the lock up solenoid i took out my valve body and rebuilt it using the transgo kit and i dont know if mine had one when i took it out, i cant find it anywhere

i went there but they want like 10 dollars for shipping on a 2 dollar part so i dont wanna pay that

hi guys , a question for glacier plz., i'm just cleaning my a4ld v.b ,without upgrade ,, thinking of drilling the hole you described ,,, is it ok ?and what is the purpose of this hole ?

T-56947-TL Reamer & drill jig - Anyone willing to loan me one, seel me their used one or drill my VB for me?

Common reamer/kit for A4LD, 4R44E, 5R44E, 5R55E for the Sonnax Mod: 56947-06K "A4LD oversize pressure regulator valve kit"

PM me...

I'll do that, that's where I got my 5R55E VB, but I want to tackle this one...

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Donny came through, as always. He offered to drill the hole for $29.
So, once I pull the VB, I'll check that hole for wear - if there is none, I should be able to do the LOW boost Sonnax Mod (2.3L Mustang) and be just fine.
If there is wear, I mail it off to Donny and do the full oversize pressure regulator valve kit.
