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A4LD Valve Body Rebuild Diary

Delighted it helped you. That's why I spent the time and when I hear feedback it is a warm fuzzy for my efforts. Thanks.

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I did not discard it either. One of the few recommendations I just could not bring myself to follow. I'll see what I can scare up for bore 216 for you.

For everyone's info, I wasn't going to discard the clip on the reverse servo either but it went flying when I took it off and I was forced to omit it. No problems in a few months of operation.

I would however strongly suggest the replacement of the governor housing in the rear of the transmission (when you take the transfer case off it's staring at you). I had to go back in and replace it later on.

Other than that, I went by Glacier's VB rebuilding directions and my transmission works excellent. Smooth, quick shifts.

My thanks to BB as well.

Ya know over time I have more or less come to that conclusion - as a matter of course replace the "stalk" as I am prone to call it. It is aluminum and gets worn out of round by the steel weight. You "may" and probably will get by, but if it shows any appreciable wear replace it. Thanks for the post !

Ditto, I'll put that on my list for when I stick my 93 trans into my 91 truck.

Glacier, I wanted to thank you for your tech thread. I used this extensively when rebuilding my a4ld back in 3/07

Trans worked great. BUT, on june 6 2007, I was heading to pick a car up. This woman decided to turn LEFT head on into me across the road.

My aerostar was totalled and I got insurance money and bought a Bronco. So, now I have a ranger and a bronco. . Too bad gas is so high I can't drive the Bronco.


Glad it was useful for you. Thanks for the tip of the hat!

How did you get the freaking valve out. They are stuck in there.

amazing info here! I was looking at an explorer that had tranny issues and was thinking of picking it up and rebuilding the VB in hopes to cure it, but found a 94 Sport for not much more with a perfect working tranny.

i'm under the assumption that if i redo the valvebody with what you have gone over, my tranny should last much longer and healthier correct?


ok soooo

well my truck wont go into reverse but drives just fine in forward could this forum be the fix for my truck or do i need a whole new tranny?

also where can i buy that kit and whats the name of it would pepboys, or autozone, or advanced auto, or napa have this kit?

also where can i buy that kit and whats the name of it would pepboys, or autozone, or advanced auto, or napa have this kit?

i can tell you that advanced auto does not carry them. I work there and have no access to Transgo

Ditto, any trans parts supplier will stock the kits. Call a trans shop and ask them where they buy there parts. Get a trans manual also, under $15 each.

A4LD Bore 216 inner-plug removal

I removed the inner plug as follows:

Get a 4" 1/4-20 FLATHEAD screw (Orchard Supply), a 1/4-20 wingnut, a 1/4 fender washer and a tube of GEL crazy glue.
swab face of plug with brake cleaner on a cotton swab. gotta get all the fluid off the face of plug.
put about four or five spots (small) of GEL glue on the cleaned face of the screw
protect the bore with a paper liner
set screw on top of plug (centered) and wait a couple of hours
use washer & wingnut to pull plug from bore.
soak plug/screw combo in acetone for a day and it will release.

It looks like the plug gets very slightly deformed pushing against the L retainer, just enough to make it extremely difficult to get out. I gently polished the high spot with 2000 grit paper but be very careful about overdoing it.

Hope this helps somebody

anybody know the bolt sequence for putting the valve body back on i dont know what length bolts go where lost my notes i have a 94 ford ranger a4ld tranny

where do i buy one od these kits from i think i want to do mine when i take it apart to fix second gear shift

did i miss it or did you not talk about what the manual valve indexer does or where it goes?

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