Amber Strobes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Amber Strobes


I'm looking to install some Amber hide-A-way strobes into my 07 ford explorer. The reason is that in the spring/summer I storm chase and when I'm pulled over on the side of the freeway I want to be seen. I also work for a historic railroad and we track work along some busy roads.

I'm looking at either


What should I get? Are there better options out there? If so, what?


How hard would it be to wire it up so that theses buttons turn them on/flash pattern?

On my vehicle, the ones on the left are unused "3 of them"

It should be as simple as cutting the wires going to the switch they supply and attaching it to one of the switches that you want on your dash.

i work in the summer at a place where we install lights. i think the best thing would be to go with led hideaways. some options are


some more info on these lights from whelen's website is here

from installing these they are very simple to install and the elminate a big problem the strobe pack that runs the strobes. the main thing is when you install whatever lights you go with is to make sure you seal the hole with silicone. most are supplied with a foam gasket and that will work but to be safe you silicone.

How hard would it be to wire it up so that theses buttons turn them on/flash pattern?

On my vehicle, the ones on the left are unused "3 of them"

I don't think those are buttons. This past weekend I completely disassembled that bezel and those buttons are just a plate for show. Now, I think those are actually used for a command center application.
