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would you mind posting a close up pic.? i would like to see how it fits.

There are posts on these things with close-ups on the site. Aldive did a write up here. His fuel door isn't Ford OEM if I recall, but is very similar.

The fit isn't perfect, and in my case it could use some tweaking to align it a tad better. You do need to tweak some of the holes to get it to fit and in the case with this Mustang part, install it upside down (The Mustang logo on it is upside down when you open the door).

I reviewed the door here, including a pic of it on my old Sport.

Pic from last weekend. Hangin' out with my son. Spray Lakes, AB.


Nature's two-tone! Do a little cold-weather camping?

Nature's two-tone! Do a little cold-weather camping?

It was just a day trip. Spray Lakes is just outside of Canmore which is about an hour west of Calgary and just east of world famous Banff. The Spray Lakes road is literally up, up, up from Canmore which sits in a valley. Views are amazing all along the road. My son and I touring down the road while his mom hiked with a friend nearby. Was a pretty cool day. Dogsled trips are pretty common in the area. We watched as about 15 teams of dogs headed out with some fare paying customers to enjoy the day.

I live so close to this paradise. I really take it for granted at times.

Yayy! Brad went off roading--finally. :D

If you call "off-roading" bombing along sketchy gravel roads at 70 mph, then I guess I did. :p:

The reason I scored an Explorer in the first place back in '93 is for roads like these. The Spray Lakes Road is actually the main access road to some of the best XC and backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, mountainbiking and hiking trails in the world. Unfortunately for folks like you Jonny, there is very little in the way of 4X4 in these parts. Most trails are off-limits to motorized vehicles of any sort. We have designated offroad places here and there, but a LOT more room for the folks that want to get into the backcountry without internal combustion. :D

We have snowy mountains like that here too. Unfortunately, all of them will melt out of the Meijer parking lot by spring... :D

That's really nice country... Wow!

We have snowy mountains like that here too. Unfortunately, all of them will melt out of the Meijer parking lot by spring... :D

That's really nice country... Wow!

Yeah, it's not too shabby over here.




And this is where the Missus was hiking while Chris and I were slacking in the truck. I mentioned Canmore starts in a valley. Welcome to Canmore (as seen from "Chinaman's Peak"). The water reservoir down below is right near the start of the "Spray Lakes Road" which climbs up a fair way. OK, not as high as from where this pic was taken, but a pretty healthy climb nonetheless.


Where do you hook the dogs at on the front of your Ex? Did you put pull hooks on?


Man your truck looks good

Thanks. It needs some work to deal with several nagging issues, but it's running better than it has in a long time.

Needs a serious spring clean too. :D



Man Brad. I love this truck. I'm really glad I was able to get a chance to see it. Keep her running strong. Tomorrow my engine bay should be a little bright like yours lol:thumbsup:

Man Brad. I love this truck. I'm really glad I was able to get a chance to see it. Keep her running strong. Tomorrow my engine bay should be a little bright like yours lol:thumbsup:

Thanks Thomas. Make sure to take lots of pics of your install tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the finished product. :thumbsup:


Great pics.. It has been a few years since my 4x4 outings in the the Rockies and know you are lucky to have chances to get out and explore in such a scenic place. Oh yeah and your Explorer is nice too:thumbsup:

Great Looking Ex-Absolutely Incredible View! Never been to the Great White North, hopefully someday.

Great thread with awesome pics.

Great thread with awesome pics.

Gee, thanks. :)

I was actually thinking of you today as I was playing "Gunship Zombies" on my new iPhone today. ;)



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If it helps, next time you watch the first Transformers, I was the assistant dedicated crew chief on the AC-130H gunship in that movie. We have the decepticon kill painted on our gunship.
