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Another Tail light tragedy

Man all I have to say is i hate supermarkets and idiot drivers.
Go into to my local supermarket to pick-up a few things with my wife.
Couldn't have been in for the 20 minutes. Go to the truck to load the groceries and go home see a 3in scratch w/ dent and driverside tail light have crack through it. To make things worst other car gone.
If i find that Honda Civic 4dr light blue they are lossing a window.

Man if I hit someone car at least i would wait or leave a letter with number on it.

MAN I'm pissed. and I have to replace the light and have the truck go to yhe body shop to get the dent out. :fire:

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yeah sonme ass also dented mine when i was over at the hardware store. And once at the supermarket some lady hit my front and started to pull away so i stepped infront of here car and she stopped.

I hate people, you should see all the door dings i have.

a civic hit your explorers taillight? do you still have the lift on?

How do you know it was a civic?

This doesn't help but sometimes the Karma balances.

I was in the gym a couple of weeks a go, when it was announced over the loudspeaker that "will the owner of the Blue Explorer go to the parking lot, there is some lady hitting it" Having the superior Navajo, often mistaken for the Explorer :D , I instantly knew it was me.

Arriving at the scene, it was an older lady in a Lexus who had missed her turn into the spot and hit my Navajo .... three times :eek:

I had a three inch gash on the bumper tupperware. Her turn signal was toast along with some grillwork and fender buckling. :confused:

When we exchanged insurance information, she became incensed when I told her I was going to inform my insurance agency. She stopped some guy in the parking lot and had him witness that I was essentially undamaged.

Somedays you're the hydrant and some days you're the dog :thumbsup:

LOL, I guess yeah that would help.

3 times eh? Thats pretty funny. I mean it is now, at the time I would have been Pissed. Damn old people trying to drive.

...She obviously has nothing better to do with her money anyway if she bought a lexus, :D

She would hit it, back up, then hit it again. That's what caught the attention of people in the parking lot who passed it onto the front desk. :confused:

If there's a God, for every Explorer that gets dinged by a Civic there's an Accord being smashed by a Mountaineer. :banghead:

shamaal said:
She would hit it, back up, then hit it again. That's what caught the attention of people in the parking lot who passed it onto the front desk. :confused:

If there's a God, for every Explorer that gets dinged by a Civic there's an Accord being smashed by a Mountaineer. :banghead:

AMEN, lol

shamaal said:
She would hit it, back up, then hit it again. That's what caught the attention of people in the parking lot who passed it onto the front desk. :confused:

If there's a God, for every Explorer that gets dinged by a Civic there's an Accord being smashed by a Mountaineer. :banghead:

I can attest to that :cool:

dr_starcraft said:
3 times eh? Thats pretty funny. I mean it is now, at the time I would have been Pissed. Damn old people trying to drive.

My grandma drove until she was 86. She didn't quit until she totaled her car and put her friend in the hospital while trying to put it in a parking space. She tore the gas tank and rear bumper out, and damaged both rear quarter panels. When her friend thought she was through she started to get out of the car. I guess my grandma hit the gas while she was getting out and she ended up breaking the ladies hip :(

At least she sold the car after she got it out of the shop... Funny thing is she's 98 now and she'll tell you how she should have never stopped driving :confused: We're just like "sure grandma, whatever you say...";)

Rick said:
My grandma drove until she was 86. She didn't quit until she totaled her car and put her friend in the hospital while trying to put it in a parking space. She tore the gas tank and rear bumper out, and damaged both rear quarter panels. When her friend thought she was through she started to get out of the car. I guess my grandma hit the gas while she was getting out and she ended up breaking the ladies hip :(

At least she sold the car after she got it out of the shop... Funny thing is she's 98 now and she'll tell you how she should have never stopped driving :confused: We're just like "sure grandma, whatever you say...";)

Whats with the continued tries after the first time fails? I wonder if they are forgetting that they just tried that? :p

parli22 said:
Man all I have to say is i hate supermarkets and idiot drivers.
Go into to my local supermarket to pick-up a few things with my wife.
Couldn't have been in for the 20 minutes. Go to the truck to load the groceries and go home see a 3in scratch w/ dent and driverside tail light have crack through it. To make things worst other car gone.
If i find that Honda Civic 4dr light blue they are lossing a window.

Man if I hit someone car at least i would wait or leave a letter with number on it.

MAN I'm pissed. and I have to replace the light and have the truck go to yhe body shop to get the dent out. :fire:

Sorry to hear about what happened, would the supermarket by any chance have any cameras in the parking lot. If this happened to your 1992 X and you want to replace the taillights I happen to have a set and I am NY as well (lower Westchester).

You want to know how I know it was a Honda Civic> First off When I pulled in No one was next to me and when I was walking up to the grocery store I saw the honda parking next to me. Beacuse I had turned around to press the button on the alarm system and to make sure that alarm was on woth the flash that how i notice.

To let everyone know this is the new truck the 97. So I have gotten the new light on I notice three day later some one keyed my tubberware on thepassenger side. MAN DO I HATE PEOPLE :fire:

IF it was the 92 I would give a **** becuase then I park my tire on the front of the honda next time i saw it and also they would have been able to do any damage because of the rock sliders front bumper.

Funny Part of everything I miss the big truck and some one had hit the front bumper and i saw alot of damage to the other car but only paint scrape on the bumper in front..


Dang I hate that. ONe time some dude from work backed into my truck rear bumper with his ram, damnaged the rubber coating on the bumper. Never even said anything, and just drove away.

ON the subject of supermarkets, my friend had his Corvette parked in a super market. he came out and found that his top (coupe) was stolen! he left the windows down and they just reached in there and yanked it off! The supermarket said they don't have cameras in the lot... yea right...

he never got the top back

I got hit by a mountaineer when i had my dakota. the day after I got it. some kids had his mommys new mountaineer and smash me while i was stopped at a red light, got me a new roll pan out of the deal and a dual exhaust.


Been there too, 95% of all of my car damage comes from coworkers.

Someone keyed the explorer in a school parking lot... they must of been pretty weak because it didnt make much of a scratch. It also makes me nervous when i see some kid having a look at the back tire/brake lines as im walking by.

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i feel your pain, i have a few stories.

i want to lowes got back and there was a new dent in the black between the rear and side glass i nice dent but i do not care.

a toyoda ran over the bumper of the civic while i was in it!!!!! and he drove off i stopped him but itwas only scuffed.

after the 5" lift tires and the day i put the brush guard on. i went to the store for a test run. i pull into a space and there is a cart in it, f-it the B G is on i push it up on the little grass over the curb and a guy across from be walked up and got milk or some thing out of it, i just parked and walked away
