Any other women get grief? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any other women get grief?

lizardtrac said:
hmm.... you... me... our explorers would have a blast together... and who knows.... maybe we could have some fun too....

wadda ya say girl? know, I always jokingly say ::*bangs head on table*:: whenever I'm talking to someone and they confront me about something stupid I've done (and there's no shortage of mistakes in my life).... after re-reading that one I actually DID slam my forehead into the computer desk a few times.....

Wow, to think I'd forgotten about this thread. Rubyn, if you think dating another Explorer owner will do it for you, by all means go for it. The best of luck to you! Me, I've more than learned my lesson in that regard- friends are friends and should stay that way if you value your sanity.

5pointslow, I wish I knew where the truck chicks hang out, then maybe I'd have some female buddies to chill and BS with and not have to worry about them getting furious with me for chit chatting with their "men" about 4wheeling and trucks. The closest I've been able to find are members of a local 4wd club, they seem to be pretty cool cats. You might try and find a Jeep club or something similar near you?

On that topic... It STILL amazes me how women refuse to believe that another woman could possibly be as into 'guy stuff' as I am. I feel bad for women who are unhappily married with kids and only know how to sit and gripe about the most mundane things all day to their girlfriends, because once you've had a taste of 'hanging out with the guys", it gets mad addictive. Other women look down their nose at you, but you're actually having a blast! I've given up trying to explain myself because I inevitably end up sounding like I'm apologizing for who I am. As Lizard would say with a grin (at least when we were friends) "ME? I'm just me. If you don't like it, TFS". Unfortunately, being a tomboy is a two edged sword: I'm 'one of the guys', not a prospective every single guy I know :(

After the mess I made last year, I thought I'd found someone who fit all my ideals.. Works at a Ford Dealer, has not one but two beautiful F150's that are both customized, hates strip bars, and has the intelligence not to spread gossip.... but he's just like every other guy out there. He wants his girl to be into all the things that a woman "should" so he'd have an excuse to go do all the things that guys "should" (IE: play pool, have an after work drink at the bar, work on their truck, etc). Just goes to show that you have to think outside the box and not have a preset ideal or else you might miss something really special.

So I have no ideals now. Whoever comes along and is honest, devoted, funny and sensitive will have my full attention and my affection. I don't even care what he drives, what he looks like, or what he does for a living...I just hope he comes along soon, being alone really sucks ass! :p

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To bad you girls don't live closer to us, the board has a bunch of girls on it and they have even done a couple runs.Even though most of them are Jeeps they still let Teri hang out with them and she has a lot of fun.
In fact we are picking up a Samurai today that is free and I thought I would fix it up for Teri but she said; I would like to have something to wheel next year with the girls.

I love being me....rufff n tufff hehehe
You got that right! being one of the guys is very very addicting, they seem to respect you more too, its kinda weird. I cant help that Id rather be> in the woods dragging my wheeler out of the mud, tacking down a dirt road, having the wind blow through my hair when I'm cruising on the gixxer, or getting some air & dumping it head first into the snow> then getting my nails done, geeeeez wouldnt want to break a nail hehehehe :p

I am def not in any rush for love..... i am a go with the flow girl, i do as i please, and treat people as i wish to be treated, life is full with so many options this way. To be happy is my outlook on life, I seem to be living this up. I was tied down for 4 years and didnt really know any better, but things are looker brighter now that i got myself outta that mess. Everyday is brighter in my world......look on the bright side of things right. Better to be positive then negative, otherwise your f**ked! Believe me i know from exprience. I dont have any certain standards for that one day special man in my life just like you Spas, just someone who is open, honest, caring, respectful, and trustworthy. One day he'll find me. You know, you cant go looking for love, love will find you, when you least expect it.

Good luck to all the ladies who do love what we do.....gettin right down and dirty, RIDIN HARD or GOIN HOME, and to those who are lookin for love: just sit back, relax, eyes open, thoughts positive, and love will find you, just go with the flow......its the best advice. Dont rush love. :D :thumbsup:

Oh and money can't buy love ;) :D

I thought about this thread today after a fellow stomped out of my work because he "didn't want a woman working on his truck" :D This after he showed off camera phone pictures of his girlfriend's boob job to all my coworkers, lol. Some people... :rolleyes:

Mentally I still crack up whenever I get 'the look' from unsuspecting customers, which is at least once a week. 'The look' is a surprised double take followed by puzzled stare and then an embarassed glance anywhere but where I am, brought on by the realization that yes, that was a woman wearing mechanic's clothes who just drove your Saleen/Lightning/Super Duty/whatever around the corner and she's going to monkey with it.

Growing older (and hopefullly wiser :p) has taught me the truth about a lot of dilemmas that used to drive me nuts, such as why women who have male dominated jobs can't seem to fit in with 'normal' women. It's just me. I have no category or stereotype :D Although I've inspired a few other women, it seems they've either imitated me because of their own personal self-esteem issues or couldn't manage to be such a tomboy and gave up. I hope I don't sound full of myself here, but I find that I LIKE not having other chicks on trail rides (with rare exceptions, like Rookie's and RockRanger's girlfriends,and of course Teri and Char, who've proved to me and everyone else along that they're more asset than PITA).

For those who have never met Spas, I took this picture of her at when I met her in Moab. :p

I must be missing something because I don't see here anywhere!!!

Spa's at least you could have maybe shown him your chi-chi's and told him natural is a LOT better then fake ones!!!
Then he probably would have really flipped out.....

Spas said:
Mentally I still crack up whenever I get 'the look' from unsuspecting customers, which is at least once a week. 'The look' is a surprised double take followed by puzzled stare and then an embarassed glance anywhere but where I am, brought on by the realization that yes, that was a woman wearing mechanic's clothes who just drove your Saleen/Lightning/Super Duty/whatever around the corner and she's going to monkey with it.

Yeah, I can just imagine those looks Lindsy. Personally, as long as you can do the job, makes no difference what sex you are

Spas said:
I have no category or stereotype :D Although I've inspired a few other women, it seems they've either imitated me because of their own personal self-esteem issues or couldn't manage to be such a tomboy and gave up.

Did you do your share of climbing trees and playing tackle football with the boys? When I was around 13 or 14 there was no one in my neighborhood who could climb trees faster than me. Even the boys were impressed. Hell, I'm 49 and to get me into a dress even today is like pulling teeth. I'm a jeans and t-shirts kind of girl

For those who have never met Spas, I took this picture of her at when I met her in Moab. :p


Okay, I'm on restricted web access here at work and wondering what the he!! that picture is since I can't see it (Colin wants a beating next time I see him, methinks :D)

Perry, I didn't want some creepy weirdo following me around asking to use his camera phone on me, HAHA.

Sandy, to be honest I wasn't that much of a tomboy growing up... My mom made sure my brother and I explored educational places as much as possible (museums, landmarks, historic towns) so I pretty much behaved and did normal kid things, like getting stuck in a cannon at Gettysburg or sliding down the steps at the White House (and then there was the time I got caught in the rigging of the 250 year old USS Constellation, but we won't go there). I had to wear a dress to the Baltimore symphony and on most holidays, so I'm really not sure where this anti-establishment/anti-normal chick thing came from. *shrugs* I really like it though :D

Spas said:
so I pretty much behaved and did normal kid things, like getting stuck in a cannon at Gettysburg or sliding down the steps at the White House (and then there was the time I got caught in the rigging of the 250 year old USS Constellation, but we won't go there). I had to wear a dress to the Baltimore symphony and on most holidays, so I'm really not sure where this anti-establishment/anti-normal chick thing came from. *shrugs* I really like it though :D

LOL.. Are there photos of some of these incidents? Just imagine the fun.. I better ask your brother for some blackmail photos :D

Spas said:
Okay, I'm on restricted web access here at work and wondering what the he!! that picture is since I can't see it (Colin wants a beating next time I see him, methinks :D)

Dont worry, you dont want to see it. Just carry a bat around with you next time you go to moab.

I agree however, down to earth girls are getting harder and harder to find. I met my current girlfriend at the mountain I work at (Both snowboard instructors) and just recently I gave her the wheelin bug. We were out at a local spot and she wanted to take the wheel. She did really good... until she got stuck. :D Shes now dead set on gettin a j**p (despite my best efforts, but its better than her Mazda) and insists to be around whenever the X is getting worked on. (She acually pulled my radiator out by herself last week.)

Anyways, she a rare find even though I live in the 'burbs most girls are more into clubs and shopping then bonfires and hunting. (I know, bad comparison)

I'll stick to the one I've got :thumbsup: . She would rather be out running around in her Mustang or 4 wheeling than doing shopping or "girly stuff" :D

JDraper said:
I'll stick to the one I've got :thumbsup: . She would rather be out running around in her Mustang or 4 wheeling than doing shopping or "girly stuff" :D

Yeah, I think me and Sue are going to get along just fine. ;)

I hate shopping... and for clothes, it's the worse. I get in my head what I want/need and just expect to go out and find it. Nope, you have all these other things that I wouldn't be caught dead in that cost more than my monthly travel checks. :rolleyes: No thanks, give me jeans and t-shirts. :p

Now, besides my love of speeding around in my Stang or being the co-pilot of the Hoe :navajo: , I love to water and snow ski. Especially on water...getting pulled at about 28-32 mph jumping the wakes and seeing how big a rooster tail I can shoot with my slalom is just as exciting. :D Plus a great stress reliever. ;)

But if needed, I can dress up pretty nice as well. And on most days, you will find some color on my toe nails...right now, it's pink chrome. :p

Stang Girl said:
Yeah, I think me and Sue are going to get along just fine. ;)

...But if needed, I can dress up pretty nice as well. And on most days, you will find some color on my toe nails...right now, it's pink chrome. :p

I would say so.....right now she's wearing "Revved Up & Red-y" Mustang nail polish :D along with a Mustang t-shirt and jeans shorts....

To give you an idea of her neighbor and I were standing by his workshop talking a while back, and she comes rumbling up the lane in her '66. She drives right at us and then nails the brakes. She then proceeds to brakestand her car right in front of us :D .

My kinda girl!!!! :thumbsup: Been together almost 22 years now...

JDraper said:
I would say so.....right now she's wearing "Revved Up & Red-y" Mustang nail polish :D along with a Mustang t-shirt and jeans shorts....

To give you an idea of her neighbor and I were standing by his workshop talking a while back, and she comes rumbling up the lane in her '66. She drives right at us and then nails the brakes. She then proceeds to brakestand her car right in front of us :D .

My kinda girl!!!! :thumbsup: Been together almost 22 years now...

Ok, have to tell this story...

There is one way I can come home from work, where you have to cross a 4 lane divided highway. Fun road, twisty, curvy, etc. Anyway, I cross the first two lanes (that go West) and am waiting for traffic to die down so I can get on the East bound lanes. Well, this guy in a pick-up pulls up in the median beside me. I pull up because now I can't see...then he pulls up again. At this point, I am getting a little hot. :mad: I pull up some more, he pulls up. This happens like 3 or 4 times, and I am beginning to think that someone is going to take the front end of Reaper right off. I pull up a little more, see that it's clear before the pick-up pulls up again, and I punch it with a little twist of the wheel. Perfect slide into the lane, no fishtailing at all, my SLP Loudmouth catback letting that idiot know that Reaper was ticked and he is the BOSS! Got my second gear scratch in just for a little extra rudeness. :thumbsup:

Now, Jeff hates it when I come home with traffic stories. He keeps asking me why nothing ever happens to him when he drives home. I proceed to tell him that he is driving home an hour before rush hour really hits, he is either in the Flareside or the Ghost with the stealth option. I am a female, in a loud, rude, obnoxious, beautiful Mustang. ;)

Anyway, I tell him my story and he sees that I am all kinds of excited. I keep telling him that he would've been so proud of me and Reaper. All he does his shake his head back and forth.... :confused: Still don't know if he was proud or not....

Then there was this other time, when our friend Brandon left his Mustang coupe at our house. He came to pick it up before work so I followed him into Austin. Well, he had never really seen me drive my car. Everything he did, I did. Plus, I did a little more at the stoplight...anyway, he called Jeff later on that day and told him about how I was keeping up with him. Jeff told him that he keeps saying I am the speed freak of the family. :D

JDraper said:
I'll stick to the one I've got :thumbsup: . She would rather be out running around in her Mustang or 4 wheeling than doing shopping or "girly stuff" :D

Shopping......I so hate shopping of any kind *shudders* Jeff, I'm like your wife, I'd rather be out in my Explorer or playing on my computer

Not looking forward to the annual back to school shopping bit

I don't mean to brag....

Actually, I do mean to brag. My wife and I have been together for 17 1/2 years. She is the embodiment of the non-stereotypical woman. She works in a male dominated field, she's a civil engineer employed by a major conctruction company. She plays a male dominated sport, she played rugby to relieve her stress while attending college and currently plays professional (and what I mean by professional is full contact, full pads, NFL rules) women's football. check it out at Rubyn, there's a team up there in Maine too.
She's into cars and trucks, it's actually her Xploder (I own a '98 Bonneville and belong to the BonnevilleClub Forum). She's owned it since brand new and to dated has racked up 194K miles on it. She loves working on the rides with me, although when it comes to doing mods on my Bonne she's more content to allow me to do the "grunt and groan" work while she plays the "lovely assistant" role. (Her term, not mine). And after we're done being grease monkeys we can get cleaned up, put on our finest threads (never a dress for her, the only time she wore a dress was for our wedding although, being of Scottish decent I have been known to wear a Kilt from time to time :eek: )and go into the city (New York preferrably but Hartford would suffice) and go to the symphony, catch a Broadway show, go to the museums and dine at a fine restaurant and feel perfectly comfortable doing these things too. Or maybe,, just throw on jeans and T-shirts and go to the bar and shoot some pool or go to a concert (the last concert was Disturbed at the Webster theater). Looking forward to the Godsmack tour :D

We don't do all things together though. I have things that I do that she chooses not to take part in and she has the things she does that I choose not to take part in. We believe that there has to be "mandatory seperation" activities (other than work). This way you still have a sense of individualality while sharing your lives together.

Anyway, enough about us. As you can see we're fairly new to the forum and look forward to getting to know some of you. Especially from the New England club. ;)

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AJTurner said:
Actually, I do mean to brag. My wife and I have been together for 17 1/2 years. She is the embodiment of the non-stereotypical woman. She works in a male dominated field, she's a civil engineer employed by a major conctruction company. She plays a male dominated sport, she played rugby to relieve her stress while attending college and currently plays professional (and what I mean by professional is full contact, full pads, NFL rules) women's football. check it out at Rubyn, there's a team up there in Maine too.
She's into cars and trucks, it's actually her Xploder (I own a '98 Bonneville and belong to the BonnevilleClub Forum). She's owned it since brand new and to dated has racked up 194K miles on it. She loves working on the rides with me, although when it comes to doing mods on my Bonne she's more content to allow me to do the "grunt and groan" work while she plays the "lovely assistant" role. (Her term, not mine). And after we're done being grease monkeys we can get cleaned up, put on our finest threads (never a dress for her, the only time she wore a dress was for our wedding although, being of Scottish decent I have been known to wear a Kilt from time to time :eek: )and go into the city (New York preferrably but Hartford would suffice) and go to the symphony, catch a Broadway show, go to the museums and dine at a fine restaurant and feel perfectly comfortable doing these things too. Or maybe,, just throw on jeans and T-shirts and go to the bar and shoot some pool or go to a concert (the last concert was Disturbed at the Webster theater). Looking forward to the Godsmack tour :D

We don't do all things together though. I have things that I do that she chooses not to take part in and she has the things she does that I choose not to take part in. We believe that there has to be "mandatory seperation" activities (other than work). This way you still have a sense of individualality while sharing your lives together.

Anyway, enough about us. As you can see we're fairly new to the forum and look forward to getting to know some of you. Especially from the New England club. ;)

Hi and welcome! Check out the New England Explorer club forum to see some of our upcoming events. We are looking forward to getting to know you too
