Anyone boatside there ranger or explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone boatside there ranger or explorer?


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
Lets see some pictures if you have. I have done searching and haven't found any rangers or explorers that are boatsided. Not sure the money is there to build a buggy so I need to do the next best thing and get rid of some more sheet metal.

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Dunno if it really qualifies as 'boat side' but;

Check Diff Whack Daddy.


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I really, really wanna boatside mine but cant because my shortlegged stocky spotter cant climb. :rolleyes: Ive never seen one done, but im going to start cutting on mine next week sometime.

Im going to cut off the rockers and lower door edge, from lower bodyline down. Then it will be 2x3 rectangular tube mounted flush with typical nerf bar style tube welded to that.

It's in the plans for the next one:D We should plan on a weekend and just go nuts on your ranger:D

4wheel did it on there 250...


hmmm another cage party?? :p:

I'm thinking about it this coming winter. Getting the garage insulated and set up for it now.

Need to get seats as well.

I really want to do this to mine also. Pirate has a couple good threads full of pics, but no RBV's. I was thinking of cutting the doors off right at the bottom of the trim piece (that also happens to be exactly where the lower door hinge connects, so I won't have to move it up).

I was thinking of cutting the doors off right at the bottom of the trim piece (that also happens to be exactly where the lower door hinge connects, so I won't have to move it up).

That is what I am thinking about doing. Probably do a rangerx style cage and tie the seats and harness all into the cage. add a flat bed as well.

I have the trailgear nerf bars on my explorer and I would recomend them to anyone that is thinking about sliders, hard to make them yourself for what they want for a set.

Matt have you considered dovetailing the front and rear, or do you not think it will help?

trail gear only wants 150 for a set of sliders, had a set on my bronco 2 that were stout as hell, slamed them hard enough to twist the frame and bash my rocker panels in and didnt put a ding in the tube. just bought another set for the new ranger this set will get tied into the flatbed and then the cage.

That is what I am thinking about doing. Probably do a rangerx style cage and tie the seats and harness all into the cage. add a flat bed as well.

I think this would be your best bet. Can't wait to see it!!

Not an explorer, but it might give you some ideas. This is someone's XJ from a local club




Matt have you considered dovetailing the front and rear, or do you not think it will help?

Front will be a PIA dealing with lights and all the rest of the stuff up front. The rear will have a narrow flat bed built on the back. I am thinking something like the allpro toyota flatbed.

Now I just need time. Currently I am in a middle of a run that I have/will have had 2 days at home and a total of 5 days off in the last 11 weeks.

Front will be a PIA dealing with lights and all the rest of the stuff up front. The rear will have a narrow flat bed built on the back. I am thinking something like the allpro toyota flatbed.

Now I just need time. Currently I am in a middle of a run that I have/will have had 2 days at home and a total of 5 days off in the last 11 weeks.

That's always the way it is..Money but, no time. Or time but, no money. :dunno:

....Hmmm...Cheaper and the same quality?...:scratch:...I might have to buy a set for my Ranger...The raw material alone for my X although it is more stout was about $100 2 years ago..

Not just same quality, it is the same. The box even said trail-gear on it. It looks like the shipping on the trail-gear website has come down. When I was shopping for sliders they wanted $50-60 just for shipping. It's now down to about $30. So it may not be as much of a savings.

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...The sad thing is they are out of stock on the 58" for my Ranger and they are not listed when you try to select an item..:(
