Apache Tires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Apache Tires?

Been browsing Craigslist for new tires that I'll need come the spring, and I came across a set for relatively cheap. Guy sent me this photo:


He wants $200 for 4 with the rims, and I have no interest in the rims so I'm going to try to see if I can take just the tires for less.

The issue is, I can find minimal info on Apache tires. Anyone ever heard of them/have ANY information? The one review I found said they were made by "General" who produces dirt-cheap malformed tires and shaves them, and as a result that Apache tires are a shaved vibrating nightmare of rotating rubber.

Looking for second opinions.

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They don't look like they'd be worth spending the money to mount to me...

Yeah, keep looking. I found a similar deal on some Avons. I know Avans are a great motorcycle tire, but couldn't find any info on them for vehicles.

I kept looking and I just got (4) 37" BFG A/T KOs for $200 off craigslist

Alright, thanks guys. He told me he won't separate them anyway.

Yeah, keep looking. I found a similar deal on some Avons. I know Avans are a great motorcycle tire, but couldn't find any info on them for vehicles.

I kept looking and I just got (4) 37" BFG A/T KOs for $200 off craigslist

same story, i just found a set of bfg mt 285/75r16 for $350, i thought it was pricey for used rires until i saw them..80% tread or better:D
craigslist is the shiznit and good things come to those who wait
good luck on the hunt

While I have found the same info you have provided about General tires, I would like to say I had a set of Apache's on my 94 Cherokee and it was un stoppable in the snow while on the road and in some fairly nasty mud while deer hunting.

I never had any problem with vibration or any bad characteristics, I just bought a set of General grabber A/T 2’s for my 94 Explorer the grabber 2’s look very similar to the Apache. I would have bought the Apache’s but last I checked they are only being sold in Mexico.

But I think he is asking too much for the tires, being that they are used and I only gave $300.00 for mine new 4 years ago.


Yea, I'm gonna keep searching. I'm not paying for rims I don't want and tires that could potentially be bad and are relatively cheap new anyway. I scour Craigslist daily for 33s. I figure sooner or later I'll stumble upon a steal. Anticipate more threads of this nature in the future from me. :D

And I'm gonna pass on the 53s. ;)
