Best 4'' lift??? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best 4'' lift???

Pretty much what I paid for mine man. I think you will really enjoy it.

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it's not that difficult to get a D44 under the front of your Ex

That would be great to have a D44 under the explorer.Would it be worth the extra money, or just go buy another vehicle? Ford should have kept the solid front d44 axles on their suvs like they did in the seventies with the early broncos and on the big broncos (for a while). I wish Ford would bring back the early bronco in true form. (V8, d44 front axle, and a 9 in the rear w/ coilover springs in the front. I sure do miss my old bronco.

the TTB is a great independant suspension design for the street.
It can also be made to work well off road, but keeping it or not largely depends on what kind of off roading you want to do.

You would be surprised just how similar a EB and a Explorer are once the front end is removed, the frame a coil buckets are real similar, even the steering.If you do it right all an Explorer needs to mount up a D44 is the right axle and a trac bar mount, with a few tweaks to everything else. Solid axle conversions can be anywhere from $500 to $5000 depending on who does the work, the donor, and what you want to accomplish.
A search on this will yield enough info to read for days....
If I was to do it over again I would skip the TTB lifts and go solid straight away....

APPX 91: Did you ever get the chance to put the pics of your X w/ just a 4'' lift on your website? Just wondering.

I can't seem to locate them but I have an idea of where they are at I am gonna have to have my mom to check and home and see if thats where they are at. I don't get to go home til christmas eve b/c of work so....I am gonna have her check tonight.


Did you get your lift put on yet?


Nope, not yet. I'm getting it installed next Tuesday.

Hey Will, what have you lifted your Explorer yet? If so, do you have any pics?
