Big Floor Jack! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Floor Jack!


Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
November 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
New Bern, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Explorer "Expedition"
For all you lifted guys I want to know what kind of floor jack you use. I don't like the idea of using wood blocks to extend the range of the jack for safety reasons.

I need one preferably with a tall range and a fairly big base.

What do you all recommend?

Edit: I already have the 2 1/2 ton SUV jack from advance auto. I need one bigger!

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Do you have a big lots near you?? If so, you may check there, that is where I picked up a huge floor jack for $100. Its kind of a cheaper one, ie generic brand, but the best part of it is it will lift my car a good 2 feet off the ground.

Cool, thanks. Yes I have a big lots near me. Lots of cheap tools there. 100 is cheap for these? Wow. No matter though, I just don't feel safe with what I have now, and if that's what it takes then so be it.

Any other opinions are welcome.

I have a Crasftsman 2 ton floor jack... but if it's going up I usually put it on the stands for safety. Have 2 6 ton, 18" stands

I bought a craftsman SUV highlift jack, Has a lifting range like up to 21", so far I love it, was only $50 and came with a free set of jack stands :)


Thanks, but I have that and it's still not nearly tall enough for my truck.

Government/or industrtial bankruptcy auctions are a great place to get big used jacks for cheap.

They are always kept in good shape, as they are moer than likely used up until the day the business closes, so they are not neglected....Just an idea.

Here's what I use! :p


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Very nice mrboyle,everyone should have one of those:) . What ceiling height do you need for that.
