CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CAMPING and 'Wheeling in the Boonies of Vermont!

:( Frustrated....I'm trying to fix a steering problem. My steering has gone south real quick this week. At highway speeds I am constantly correcting, it feels like something is loose and when I hold the wheel perfectly steady and straight the car will wonder from left to right (as if I turned the wheel 1/2" either way). The problem appears to be exponential with speed because at speeds under 50 it gets better and at 35-40 it is fine.. If I can't stabilize it I'm going to have to pull off the pitman arm and yank the steering gear. Sorry about missing your call Isaac...I was working on it last night and found your msg on my cell this am...

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Are you in any shape to come up? Leave earlier and drive 55. :) You're not one to drive on the trails any faster than that, either. :D

I'm trying to be... Oh, before I forget what are the plans for lugging stuff (beer etc) from the road to the cabin? Would a 2 wheeler be of any use?

DeRocha said:
I'm trying to be... Oh, before I forget what are the plans for lugging stuff (beer etc) from the road to the cabin? Would a 2 wheeler be of any use?
well, izack named me beer *****, but that would def. be better lol

hehe i think he said anyone not "of age" has to lug the beer...

I was thinking of buying a cheapo CB this afternoon... whats the range of these things?

true, but judging by our IM convos, he meant me lol

they have a few mile range- depends on teh weather....i have picked up truckers 30 miles away from my house

ahhh my parents don't think I'm bringing enought warm stuff. What are we doing for food, just finding a store when we get there?

rfuree11 said:
or you could just come :p

Kind of hard when you have a screwed up transmission, otherwise I would.

SoBeLover said:
Kind of hard when you have a screwed up transmission, otherwise I would.

We'll get a hefty lunch/dinner at the brewery. Though I wouldn't recommend against taking small light snacks (dried fruit, nuts, beef jerky, etc). I'll grab a jug of water and soap for whoever needs it.

Tele_Trac (Brian?) will also be dropping by in Quechee to say hello. Not sure if he'll be joining any festivities, but if anyone wants to meet a little later, we'll be leaving closer to 1. Tim doesn't get outta work in Rockland or wherever until.....8 or so? or is it 10? Either way, we'll wait for him. If you've checked weather forecasts, there's a 60-70% chance of showers, and a possible thunderstorm late Saturday night. Not to worry, it's a tight cabin inside, and a platform on the roof to watch the storm from. ;)

This is obviously turning into a manly trip, so try not to wimp out. :p

no wimpin out here...i just packed my shiat up...if anyone wants to bring burgers or dogs or kielbasa or something, ill have a tiny bbq (cooking over a fire is a pain)

there's a grocery store for us to get last minute things, though i don't think we'll need the grill. Bring it anyways, the least we'd do is leave it in your truck. Good call, though, beer *****. :D

Just got back... good time except for these last few hours :p iZack, hope everything works out for you..

1) The cabin... (which is literally on TOP of the mountain...)

2) The payoff of the hike from hell :p (only part of the 360 view)


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1) Long Trail Brewery... stopped and had lunch (very cool).

2) Mike showing off...

3) A piece of trail... its a lot steeper than it looks. I'm having trouble getting these under the byte limit :rolleyes:


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man, that 3rd pic make that trail look easy....i needed 4 low :eek:

and you forgot the best picture of all

hehe... some more before I leave for work. I'll be home around 5:30 to post the rest.


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The cabin and surrounding views look amazing - I wish I could have been there. It'll be a while before I can the Mountaineer out on the trail, things have been really busy with both school and work, and to top it all off my Grandfather passed away Saturday evening.

Ike - yikes! What happened to your front wheel??? If you want help working on your truck over Thanksgiving break, come over to my place. It'll be a nice change for me from working with A/V gear and CAD systems all day long.

Post more photos, boys.


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Like Aaron said what the heck happened? It looks like Isaac did a Duke's of Hazard Jump and took out his upper ball joint. Can you imagine if this happend in Brookline? It would have been a production trying to get it back on road for a tow.
