Climate Control System Works Intermittently on 2015 Ford Explorer PIU! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Climate Control System Works Intermittently on 2015 Ford Explorer PIU!

Post number 18 has been selected as best answered.

You know what? Your point is helping me understand what I did wrong a month ago, and when I say a month ago, I mean exactly April 27th.​

Please, can I ask:

Can you tell me your opinion about all these things?

Is it okay if I do this programming?

Screenshot (904).png
Screenshot (902).png
Screenshot (906).png

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Hmmm. Sounds like someone did some trans work to it before you got it and didn't know how to or didn't program it correctly. I have absolutely zero trans knowledge. From that popup in FORscan though, it sounds like you need some code or something from the solenoid? You may be able to drive it so it learns, but that way should be used as a last resort. That tells me that it sounds like you may need to open the trans up to get a part number or something off the solenoid. I don't know, I would take it to a reputable transmission rebuilder and see what they say in your area.

Hmmm. Sounds like someone did some trans work to it before you got it and didn't know how to or didn't program it correctly. I have absolutely zero trans knowledge. From that popup in FORscan though, it sounds like you need some code or something from the solenoid? You may be able to drive it so it learns, but that way should be used as a last resort. That tells me that it sounds like you may need to open the trans up to get a part number or something off the solenoid. I don't know, I would take it to a reputable transmission rebuilder and see what they say in your area.

Thank you very much. Your answer is very helpful and provides useful information and guidance. 👍

🙏🏻I'm going now, and I hope they will address the issue. I know everybody is avoiding it, because I have a police car.

I pray that I can finally finish dealing with this complicated issue.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I pray that I can finally finish dealing with this complicated issue.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hopefully if they replaced the solenoids they updated that sticker for you. If not, sounds like you have to use that learning version as a last resort. Fingers crossed they changed that sticker as well, or at least left it in the glove box.

Hopefully if they replaced the solenoids they updated that sticker for you. If not, sounds like you have to use that learning version as a last resort. Fingers crossed they changed that sticker as well, or at least left it in the glove box.

I understand your main point. However, I visited Ford, but they didn't give me any information. Okay, I didn't expect them to help me at all. 😉
Now, I'm doing more research.

I understand your main point. However, I visited Ford, but they didn't give me any information. Okay, I didn't expect them to help me at all. 😉
Now, I'm doing more research.
Ya, Ford won't be able to tell you anything, especially if the work was done by an outside tech. Someone working at xyz Transworld.... You know what I mean?

Ya, Ford won't be able to tell you anything, especially if the work was done by an outside tech. Someone working at xyz Transworld.... You know what I mean?

Could you please let me know what you think about this video? Because, really I'm confusing now!!!!

Interesting..... So, googling that code took me to a few post about tuners. It sounds like all you need to do is reflash the trans.... Rather than using that video, use this link, it's got a better step by step on how to do it. You will need that solenoid code from the transmission though.

It sounds like when someone flashes a tune to the PCM, it corrupts the trans data and it just needs to be be reprogrammed.


Interesting..... So, googling that code took me to a few post about tuners. It sounds like all you need to do is reflash the trans.... Rather than using that video, use this link, it's got a better step by step on how to do it. You will need that solenoid code from the transmission though.

It sounds like when someone flashes a tune to the PCM, it corrupts the trans data and it just needs to be be reprogrammed.

Interesting..... So, googling that code took me to a few post about tuners. It sounds like all you need to do is reflash the trans.... Rather than using that video, use this link, it's got a better step by step on how to do it. You will need that solenoid code from the transmission though.

It sounds like when someone flashes a tune to the PCM, it corrupts the trans data and it just needs to be be reprogrammed.

You know a lot more than I expected! I'm surprised by your expertise. But, to be honest, I'm not trying to become a rocket scientist or get a certificate from "NASA" I just want to fix my car, that's all!!!

I disconnect the battery for two hours, I did Self-Test, here are the results!!!


  • Self-Test.txt
    5.3 KB · Views: 7
  • Codes.txt
    3 KB · Views: 11

Sorry, everyone! I'm frustrated that I'm not getting any help. Could someone please explain what's happening? How much longer do I need to wait, and why am I still waiting?

I don't think I'm the only one who has experienced this in the world.


I disconnect the battery for two hours, I did Self-Test, here are the results!!!
When you turn your AC on, do both of the radiator fans come on and stay on, or possibly one at all times while the AC is on?

When you turn your AC on, do both of the radiator fans come on and stay on, or possibly one at all times while the AC is on?
I had this Code: P0480 -Fan 1 Control Circuit and i fix it, you know!

When you turn your AC on, do both of the radiator fans come on and stay on, or possibly one at all times while the AC is on?
Open the file and see, something related with AWD Active Torque Coupling Barcode

please open the file and see, it's say "Not Supported"

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please open the file and see

please open the file and see, it's say "Not Supported"
These are the only lines that say not supported. Nothing about the AWD. If I search for AWD or even the word all nothing is found.

Are you having any kind of shifting or power issues? Where it feels like the power is shifting between the front and rear wheel?


