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How to: Clutch Switch Bypass

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hvac man

Elite Explorer
November 30, 2002
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Rifle, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Hey guys whats up? I was searching for a good thread on how to bypass the clutch safety switch and was soon dissapointed that there was not much help. I then went out to the garage and started messing around with the wires and found an extreamly easy way to bypass the switch.

What you will need:

screw driver

wire strippers

Wire connectors

18ga wire

on/off type switch

Step 1:

Locate the sensor on the clutch pedal and remove.

Step 2:

Locate pink, and red/blue wires.

Step 3:

Splice the two of them together using a crimp-on wire splice connector.

Step 4:

Reinstall the sensor to the clutch pedal and your done.

There is another way to do it using a 2 position switch so that when the vehicle in not off-road the switch will work like normal. For this method follow these steps.

Step 2 A:

use a crimp-on wire connector on each of the wires indevidualy with a pig tail wire off of each one.

Step 2 B:

Run each of the pig tail wires into a standard two position toggle switch.

Step 2 C:

Refer back to step 3 to finish.

Pictures to follow in the next post.

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The pics and what you will need:


  • my08^012.jpg
    42.7 KB · Views: 17,927
  • my08^007.jpg
    54.8 KB · Views: 36,930
  • my08^002.jpg
    67.5 KB · Views: 27,256

Finally!! I was hoping someone would figure that out :D Thanks!

I saw that you guys had posted a thread about working on it but no one had ever replied about finishing it ;) That was like a year or more ago so..... :D I hope it helps someone.


If you go look at an automatic equipped truck Ford installed a bypass clip in the clutch 3 position harness. Simple, just a little jumper for the 3-4 circuits...
When I converted my truck from stick to auto I used the ford clip to elimiinate the clutch 3 pos switch, just like Ford would do. Same computer harness for a 5 speed or auto, manual or auto t case, etc.. only changes are in the transmission harness.

All the 3 pos switch does is tell the following when the clutch is in:

Cruise control
4x4 Electric shift
Neautral safety

What did you need to tap into it for? Your new T case?

What did you need to tap into it for? Your new T case?

I just did it because I think that anyone serious about wheeling in a 5 spd should think of this as a prerequisite. I for one do not like pressing the clutch in on a steep hill or what not ;)

I also did this mod for .10 cents and I never had to leave my garage :D I think that is worthy of sharing it with the rest of the members here ;)

You mean to start the truck back up after a stall?
Which one did you bypass?

Yes, I bypassed the safety switch ;)

Man I did this years ago... Except I never "re-wired" it I just moved the switch and the saftey down on the clutch pedel. The only issue I had was the truck wasn't geared low enough to start up in gear... :)

Those with an atlas probably won't have that problem.

Make sure your battery cables are CLEAN when doing this.

So in theory...One could use that as a Ignition disabler on an auto if they put a switch in the line .....hrm.

Crankcase, that is correct.
If you look under your dash you will see ther wiring for the 3 position clutch switch is there, Ford just installed a plastic clip that effectiveley jumps the 3 circuits, one of them is the ignition feed (clutch must be pushed in to start truck)
Of course the same wire can be found in the steering column, and transmission harness (neautral safety).
So all you gotta do is put a switch on it and waalaa! kill switch to disable the starter.
Excatly what they do when they install an alarm, they cut the wire and route/loop it to a relay controlled by the alarm....

I finally did this mod. It works great with the Atlas II. No problem at all starting in gear while in low range :thumbsup:

The info in this post was worth the elite status.

Thanks, I installed a switch inline of mine.

FireZapper said:
The info in this post was worth the elite status.

Thanks, I installed a switch inline of mine.

Another satisfied customer :D

I just did this mod. Thanks for posting the info (years ago, haha)! It took me longer to drive 5 miles to the store and back then it did to do this mod.

I did mine a little differently. I cut both wires right next to the clutch and put covers over those ends. Then hooked the free ends up to a switch.
One switch position and the clutch safty is bypassed, the other position is an anti-theft setting and the starter won't turn.

Anyone tried this mod on a newer model. I am trying to do this currently on my 02.
The clutch/starter interlock is similar on your 02 Ranger. The color codes at the clutch switch connector should be solid pink and white w/pink stripe.

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