Evans creek anyone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Evans creek anyone?


Elite Explorer
April 15, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1985 BroncoII
Nov 20th
meet at the 410 cafe in buckley at 9 am be at/on the trailhead at 10 am
run the trails till around 4-5PM (or later)and then head home(there is camping spots)
a forest pass is required ($5) a day per vehicle or you can buy a annual pass for $30.
the trails are not suited for stock rig.
some lift, 31's and recovery gear should do you (at a mininum.)
A simular thread is also posted here

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come on, come out and play

I'm up for it...anyone going to stay sat. night?

I'm heading up this month on the 22nd to tinkham rd off i-90 for the weekend for some camping and wheelin'. if your interested, give me a call, 206 229 1234

I'll be heading down to T-haven for the Thanksgiving run.

Arsoul, I might make that camping trip with you. I am waiting on a part for my tranny right now. Hopefully it sows up before then.

i've tried calling your butt, left messages...but no avail.
tinkham has lots of logging roads that go up into the mountains, great views. there are several off shoots that offer mild wheelin' to extreme rock crawling. i'll be up there friday night, leaving sunday afternoon.

take I-90 east past northbend. approx 12 miles past the last north bend exit is the tinkham rd exit, hang a right at the exit. shortly after the road turns to dirt, start looking for a camp on the left. we are going to try and get a spot next the the river. cb channel 13

arsoul said:
I'm up for it...anyone going to stay sat. night?

I'm heading up this month on the 22nd to tinkham rd off i-90 for the weekend for some camping and wheelin'. if your interested, give me a call, 206 229 1234

I am not aware of anyone staying over but that is a option?
there is a campground there is a hand pump water station and some smelly restrooms

arsoul, is there room there for the tow vehicle and trailer? I now have a trailer queen.

oh god....you do realize i'm not going to stop making fun of you, right? yup, there's plenty of room for your truck/trailer. i'm towing the off-road chuck wagon behind the explorer...dunno if you ever saw that.

I am looking forward to meeting both of you guys, now that I have finished putting a 6" SKyjacker lift on my explorer I guess it is time to start getting the parts together for a solid axle conversion ;) I would like to pull some measurments for your explorer (diff wack daddy) and check out your suspension setup.

Sounds good to me. Just to recap, I won't be able to make Evan's Creek, I am going to T-haven early, but O am going up to Tinkham on the 22nd of this month.

whoops,I thought you was going to make it to evans, maybe next time

arsoul said:
I'm heading up this month on the 22nd to tinkham rd off i-90 for the weekend for some camping and wheelin'.

Where exactly is that? Do you have an exit # off I-90 or a GPS coordinate?

never got gps coords last time, forgot the exit number. but you cant miss it, after you pass northbend (heading east) just take the one and only tinkham rd exit...theres only one, and it says tinkham...you can also call my cell friday night if you have any q's....or we can head up together. i'll be leaving my parents friday night around 9pm.

I don't even want to try and fish my F-350 towing a 20ft trailer down your parents driveway.

big baby...we get my dads f150 with the 20foot trailer down there, and a 40foot motorhome no problem.

I would like to get a rough idea of who is going to show up so if you know you are going to make this run or may make it, speak up.
A few days before the run I will get a head count again and anyone who wants my cell number send me a PM
Only 19 days left

I'm not going to be able to make it, moving to kirkland.

My son and I are planning to run the 311 trail. Is the trip still on? We'll be at the 410 cafe at 9. My son has a Toyota Pickup. What CB channel you on? We'll be looking for you. The cafe is out of our way. We are on the Eatonville side, but as long as the trip is on, we will meet you at the cafe.

Yep the trip is a go. There is going to more bronco2's than explorers' this is going to be a decent sized group.
CB & FRS Ch 5.
See you there

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We want to run the 311, then try to find a trail I ran years ago when I had a 73 Bronco. It's on the other side of the river. He's run 311 (in my rig), but I have not. I read the post on BII.org. We'll see ya at the cafe!!
