Exhaust ideas? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 1, 2010
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Latrobe PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
hey everyone. just curious if i could getsomeopinions on exhaust systems that are out there. i have a 98 4.0 and i was looking into getting a new exhaust for it. ive heard goodthings about the flowmaster super 40s but im not too sure. im not lookingfor anything thats outrageously loud, just enough to give my explorer some sound and to be heard. any feedback will be much appreciated. thanks

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Do you have the SOHC or OHV engine? I have the OHV engine and have a Gibson Performance Exhaust on it. It sounds great! It has a nice tone/ growl to it without being very loud. I've heard though that the SOHC can sound more like a tuner car and doesn't have that nice low tone to it..

:( i have the SOCH. thats why im asking other people cause ive watched alot of youtube videos and the 4.0 SOCH's do sound like tuners ive noticed in some videos

:( i have the SOCH. thats why im asking other people cause ive watched alot of youtube videos and the 4.0 SOCH's do sound like tuners ive noticed in some videos

Well I know that the Gibson's are nice high quality systems but I can't say for sure what it would sound like on yours.. sorry. I'm not sure of your price range either for an exhaust system but Gibson's are a little pricey, but the one I got is made out of stainless so its not going anywhere. I've had it for 5 years and no problems with it, aside from me not fully reading the directions upon install :rolleyes: So I had to slightly modify it later on.. Over all very happy.

If you decide to get a gibson though, shop around for the price. They cost around $350 or so. There is a vendor on here that sells them and members of this forum can get a discount. James at Henson Performance is who you would want to talk to..

alright thanks for the help. thats a little pricey for my budget, but ill see what i can do.

I second the Gibson. Ive got one on my 4.0 OHV, and love it.

i got flowmasters on my 01 sport and its with the sohc engine

the Goerlich XLerator is a great muffler that puts out great noise with a straight through design.
How do you post videos from a phone...? I want to put up a sound clip sometime

sam, which flowmaster do you have on yours exactly?

I'm running a Flowmaster 70 on my truck. SOHC. I'm very happy with it, but I'd recommend something a little louder, like the 50 series SUV.

i think im set on the 40 series delta flow. good you think?

i got the 40 series i dunno if its delta or super 40 or what. all i know its the 40 series

:( i have the SOCH. thats why im asking other people cause ive watched alot of youtube videos and the 4.0 SOCH's do sound like tuners ive noticed in some videos

Having the SOHC over the OHV is not something to be bummed about. You can see what I'm running in my signature, but it sounds to me like that's what you're trying to avoid. If your sold on Gibson over Flowmaster I guess I'd go with that if you're looking for a tamer sound. If not, the 40 is not your only option for flowmaster. When it comes to sound (as opposed to performance), I advise doing some of your research on youtube.

They cost around $350 or so.

Just for the muffler itself? I haven't looked myself but that seems pretty steep, unless we're talking about a complete cat-back system, in which case that's not his only option. I.e., muffler to turn-down until he wants to spend more on new pipes all the way through

i got flowmasters on my 01 sport and its with the sohc engine

We know

I'm running a Flowmaster 70 on my truck. SOHC. I'm very happy with it, but I'd recommend something a little louder, like the 50 series SUV.

I second this

The $350 for the Gibson that I was talking about is for the cat-back system. I'm not sure of what the muffler is alone, but I think its around 100-120..

The $350 for the Gibson that I was talking about is for the cat-back system. I'm not sure of what the muffler is alone, but I think its around 100-120..

Ah okay, that makes more sense

Originally Posted by Sams01XplrSprt
i got flowmasters on my 01 sport and its with the sohc engine

We know
Funniest reply I've seen in a while. For the SOHC motor, the cherry bomb Vortex sounds really good. There are a few clips on youtube.

lol u guys
