Explorer owner reports MFT/Sync 2.10 installation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer owner reports MFT/Sync 2.10 installation


Explorer Addict
April 19, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
Apologies to RandySys1, but I figured it needed its own thread:

RandySys1 is reporting on the sirius channel fix thread that he has 2.10 installed (you know - an updated version from 2.8 - not to be confused with 2.1 and that whole argument). Even cut-n-pasted from syncmyride.com the info. Not sure if he got his EX that way or if he had it updated.

Sync VersionGen2 - V2.10
Confirmed installations
SYNC compatible software

SOOOOO anyone else get this? CORY is this for real?

Randy - or others with 2.10 - how is it working?

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Whaaaat, 2.10? Nice.....hope we're movin in the right direction here. Looking forward to the feedback!

But what does it all mean, Basil?

I finally registered the wife's ride and it reported that we had Sync v 2.4. Are there additional features or functionality with this update? What is required to perform the update (do they wipe the current build off and completely reinstall?)

But what does it all mean, Basil?

I finally registered the wife's ride and it reported that we had Sync v 2.4. Are there additional features or functionality with this update? What is required to perform the update (do they wipe the current build off and completely reinstall?)

Ver 2.8 improved the responsiveness of the system by making the software more efficient, among other things. 2.8 also significantly reduced the "performing maintenance" issues. There aren't any new features that I'm aware of.

If you don't have problems with v 2.4, I'd recommend waiting for a future release beyond 2.8/2.10. The upgrade will require a visit to the dealer and they will remove the current version and replace with the latest version. Minor revisions in the future will be done by the owner.

What has your experience been like with 2.4?

Picked up my Ex from dealer service dept. today. Updated to 2.8 from 2.7 due to radio preset problems and not turning off! Service adviser said thats the lastest for Explorer.

Sync VersionGen2 - V2.8
Confirmed installations
SYNC compatible software
SYNC compatible software

Waiting to download 0 items.

Ver 2.8 improved the responsiveness of the system by making the software more efficient, among other things. 2.8 also significantly reduced the "performing maintenance" issues. There aren't any new features that I'm aware of.

If you don't have problems with v 2.4, I'd recommend waiting for a future release beyond 2.8/2.10. The upgrade will require a visit to the dealer and they will remove the current version and replace with the latest version. Minor revisions in the future will be done by the owner.

What has your experience been like with 2.4?
Just a few minor problems. The radio sometimes starts playing from the USB when it was on a Sirius channel when the Ex was turned off. Has happened 3 times since picking up the Ex on March 14th. The last time the volume was also cranked up when it happened. No response time problem. No dropped calls.

Sync VersionGen2 - V2.4
Confirmed installations
SYNC compatible software
Waiting to download 0 items.

Apologies to RandySys1, but I figured it needed its own thread:

RandySys1 is reporting on the sirius channel fix thread that he has 2.10 installed (you know - an updated version from 2.8 - not to be confused with 2.1 and that whole argument). Even cut-n-pasted from syncmyride.com the info. Not sure if he got his EX that way or if he had it updated.

Sync VersionGen2 - V2.10
Confirmed installations
SYNC compatible software

SOOOOO anyone else get this? CORY is this for real?

Randy - or others with 2.10 - how is it working?
I looked into this and I was assured 2011 Explorer customers with 2.8 have the latest update and that South America might follow a different release sequence (hence the difference in version number). As always, I’ll keep you posted with any new details I come across!

