Explorer Vs. Range Rover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Vs. Range Rover


December 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego,CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I thought to myself and its is a possibility that the Range Rover HSE 22" rims would look damn nice on a 2004 Eddie Bauer explorer. now the question is, and please provide me some feedback, will they fit??

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I thought to myself and its is a possibility that the Range Rover HSE 22" rims would look damn nice on a 2004 Eddie Bauer explorer. now the question is, and please provide me some feedback, will they fit??

They do make wheel adapters for smaller to larger. And you may need spring spacers.

From what I can find the Rangies run 5 x 120mm versus our 5 x 114.3mm so I don't reckon that'll be a goer.:thumbdwn::(

that does kinda suck. their rims are pretty nice to. but more of the "city" look
did u see my other thread about my RPMs Lynchy

Nah mate, I'll go and have a squiz now.

btw i had just looked at your explorer!! WOW!!! looks nice!!! i want to get som pics of mine and put up for you to see, its pretty much all stock, i havent had time or even i cant find anywhere to buy aftermarket products. kinda make me mad.lol. you have any hook ups?

Yeah they are hard to find but engine bling is almost anything from an 05-09 v6 mustang. Check out N.Gardner's bull bar for a line on some heavy metal up front, James Henson is the man when it comes to sct x3 tuner's plus you get 3 free tunes from him 'cause you're a member here. How's that for a start?:D
