FAKRWEE Navajo Roll Cage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FAKRWEE Navajo Roll Cage

FAKRWEE Navajo Roll Cage-Before and after

I finally decided to go with the most important upgrade you can make:roll:



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And After: You can check out more detailed pics in Explorer Projects.


That looks nice! Whoever did it did a nice job. Hope you are happy with it but never need it!

That looks nice! Whoever did it did a nice job. Hope you are happy with it but never need it!

Thanks MO_Guy, my thoughts exactly. :D The fab shop is 4XDoctor in Burbank.

Sweet. That looks great. I'll be doing that one day. But not as long as the X is my DD. Gotta be able to fit the wife, kid, and dogs!

That looks really nice though. Did you put steel plate on the cargo floor? Mine doesn't look like that.

Originally posted by Black Magic
How much?

Not cheap but worth it. $1,600.00

Did you put steel plate on the cargo floor? Mine doesn't look like that.

It's not a steel plate. It's cardboard with an aluminum finish. It came stock.

Originally posted by FAKRWEE
Not cheap but worth it. $1,600.00

The way I see it, you can't put a price on safety. Worth every penny if saves you from a broken neck. Hell, worth every penny if it saves you from a broken toe!

Originally posted by DocVijay
The way I see it, you can't put a price on safety. Worth every penny if saves you from a broken neck. Hell, worth every penny if it saves you from a broken toe!


Originally posted by FAKRWEE
It's not a steel plate. It's cardboard with an aluminum finish. It came stock.

Oh. All I got was a piece of carpet...

Originally posted by DocVijay
Oh. All I got was a piece of carpet...

This is a picture of the bottom.


It sits in these groves. May be the difference is the Navajo is a Japanese Ford:D


That cardboard thing comes on all first gens, Ford or Mazda. They must have cheaped out later...

that's awesome! looks good tom.
and is it just me or does the second pic (the after) look like that tire is just hovering.

and my capet has a layer of carpet pad under it.

Originally posted by Crankcase
That cardboard thing comes on all first gens, Ford or Mazda. They must have cheaped out later...

In Mfg. they call it cost savings. I call it nickel and dimeing the client.:mad:

Originally posted by jasonb
...and my carpet has a layer of carpet pad under it.

OK, mine has padding too, so I guess it's not that bad.

Anyhow, how long did it take to have it installed? How long was the planning?

I'd probably get a full cage. I'm planning on swapping in a 347, so the weight wouldn't be too much of an issue, other than center of gravity. But then that's what the cage is for! :p

and is it just me or does the second pic (the after) look like that tire is just hovering

It has a bracket carrier welded on to the cage;

Here's a better pic.


Front view tire. It has a small storage area underneath for tools.


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