FM/AM names not showing (no RDS?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FM/AM names not showing (no RDS?)


New Member
September 10, 2012
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Dubai, UAE
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer LTD 2013
In my new Explorer 2013 LTD, the names of the channels are not shown on the MFT screen. Only the frequencies (104.4 or 96.7) are shown instead of Virgin Radio, ARN Radio, etc. Agency sales person said Explorer doesnt have it. All basic cars including my last GMC Acadia had this. Any solution to this?

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Hey manumahdi :)

I just went outside to check to see the availability of RDS on our radio. The HD Radio stations all had it, and I was able to finally find an FM station that wasn't HD, and that station had it also. I seem to remember there being two RDS standards out there, with the US using one and the just about everyone else using another. In my experience, GM radios have the best compatibility when it comes to RDS, so maybe they can tune more than one RDS format. With that in mind, I am wondering if the Ford is more specific to the US version of RDS. That brings up the question if what I am recalling is true, can the Ford be switched over to the local version of RDS?

Mine doesn't have it but I'd love to figure out how to get it!

There's a setting that needs to be turned on to enable RDS. I had to enable it on mine. I have the MFT/Sony system.

In my new Explorer 2013 LTD, the names of the channels are not shown on the MFT screen. Only the frequencies (104.4 or 96.7) are shown instead of Virgin Radio, ARN Radio, etc. Agency sales person said Explorer doesnt have it. All basic cars including my last GMC Acadia had this. Any solution to this?

Hi, manumahdi!

When you're in the Entertainment portion of MFT, press OPTIONS and you'll see RDS ON/OFF. Make sure it's on and if MFT is able to pick up the information, it will display. Hope this helps!


Same problem here. I am in Saudi Arabia.

I tried to switch it ON but no response. Too bad because almost all cars has this feature even ones with basic LCD screen.
