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Fuel filter replacement help


Well-Known Member
October 13, 2005
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City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Ford Raptor
I am trying to replace my fuel filter on my '00 Ranger (4.0 V6). After using the search feature, I found the following thread:
However my fuel filter has different connectors from the one pictured in the thread.

Here is a picture of mine:

Here are the tools that I have:

I am not seeing how to get a tool into the end of the fuel line to remove it. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Each fuel line has those white/cream-colored plastic clips that must be pried or cut off from the line ends (visible in your photo).

The lines should pop off; you may have to use those circular tools after pushing the line away from the filter. I think that the lines should come right off after getting the clips off though.

The new fuel filter should come with the new clips.

Well, it's good to see how others do it.

Dang, I wish I knew to use that piece of plastic to maek the tool work better.

One more of FORDs better ideas......NOT!!!

They call it a "duck bill clip." Haynes Manual page 4-6.

Aloha, Mark

I find this tool the easiest to use.


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I managed to get some extra clips and once I got the old ones out, the fuel lines came right off, no special tools required to replace my fuel filter. ma96782 mentioned the duckbill clips, but if you notice the green insert in the other line in the picture of my first post, it is diffent. The tabs are pushed in and the green part was removed with the filter. The green part had to be removed and reinstalled on the new filter and the line just snaps back on.

Wasn't hard to do at all, once I understood how the lines are retained. The Haynes manual for the Ranger doesn't mention the duckbill clip at all. Oh well.

"Duck bill clip," the one on the left (white color lock)....in your pic. The fitting (quick disconnect, AKA: Duck bill clip) looks like the pic from the Hayens manual.

As for the additional line (w/green lock). Glad you pointed out the different color locks. Yes, I don't KNOW if the green color lock.....goes by the same name. LOL....maybe, "Daffy bill clip."

Aloha, Mark

PS....It may have made the assembly line guy's job easier and saved time...........but, IMHO............I believe in fuel nuts.......and wrenches.

the green clip you press the sides of the green clip to release it

the white/clear clip you get a screwdriver or a pick and pick up on the middle of it which should release it


oops- just read that you already got it off. I'll just leave this for future reference! good job!
