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Gas Mileage Improvement


July 24, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Carbondale, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Okay, there's many threads regarding this subject, and I just want to tell everyone about a little investment I made recently that has dramatically improved my mileage.

I recently installed a tornado air management system in my truck and have definitely seen a drastic increase in mileage. Prior to installing it, I was getting about 230 miles to 16 gallons of gas. That's about 14.4 mpg. Now, I get between 290-300 miles to 16 gallons of gas. That's 18.1 mpg (about).

I know there was another thread contradicting this, but it does work. My uncle had one in his 99 Expedition EB and before he put it in was getting 10mpg and after got 13 mpg.

Different engines will see different results I suppose. I've got the V6 4.0 in my 96 Ex.

Not to mention I've noticed a slight increase in HP. The truck makes it over some of the mountains here A LOT better.

I'm also looking for more ways to increase my mileage. I can't really afford major expenses to do so, so I've been looking for the under $100 ways to increase it.

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Nice to hear. Mountains! PA has no mountains, LOL

Explrr96XLT said:
Okay, there's many threads regarding this subject, and I just want to tell everyone about a little investment I made recently that has dramatically improved my mileage.

I recently installed a tornado air management system in my truck and have definitely seen a drastic increase in mileage. Prior to installing it, I was getting about 230 miles to 16 gallons of gas. That's about 14.4 mpg. Now, I get between 290-300 miles to 16 gallons of gas. That's 18.1 mpg (about).

I know there was another thread contradicting this, but it does work. My uncle had one in his 99 Expedition EB and before he put it in was getting 10mpg and after got 13 mpg.

Different engines will see different results I suppose. I've got the V6 4.0 in my 96 Ex.

Not to mention I've noticed a slight increase in HP. The truck makes it over some of the mountains here A LOT better.

I'm also looking for more ways to increase my mileage. I can't really afford major expenses to do so, so I've been looking for the under $1000 ways to increase it.

very very nice

where did you get it from? i might try this - i'll do anything for better gas mileage ;).

also does anyone know of any negative affects this could have

wouldnt modifing tyhe air box to allow more air in accomplish the same thing,

I had one in a Neon and saw big improvements. I put one in my X 5.0 V8 and saw no inprovement. I get 16 around town with or without it. I haven't cheched it on the highway. I belive this is where it make the most difference.

I got mine at Auto Zone. There should be no negative affects as all it does is swirl the intake air to better atomize the fuel.

gensic11 said:
where did you get it from? i might try this - i'll do anything for better gas mileage ;).

also does anyone know of any negative affects this could have

I got mine from Auto Zone. From what I know, Auto Zone and Pep Boys are the only major retailers to carry it. It costs anywhere from 65 to 70 bucks, but I definitely think it was well worth it.

I also, I just installed the K & N Air Filter, so I'm waiting to see what additional improvements I get.

davidmmm69 said:
wouldnt modifing tyhe air box to allow more air in accomplish the same thing,

I imagine that would help however the thing with the tornado is it creates a vortex in your air intake which is colder and more efficient.

Explrr96XLT said:
I imagine that would help however the thing with the tornado is it creates a vortex in your air intake which is colder and more efficient.

if you think thats true, then they have already won...
there is no way it can make air is supposed to create a vortex which is later disrupted by the rest of the intake.
the tornado is a piece of metal that is restricting your engine.


sorry to burst your bubble.

Wonder what happens when you drive south of the equator? :confused:

Doug ( ) and I tried out a Tornado on the dyno in my '99. There was no power difference.

I have never tried one for mileage, nor wiill I.


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Hey Explrr96xlt. Are you sure that you are gaining that much from that swirly thing. I've heard nothing but crap about those. And the dyno test Aldive did (thanks!!) shows some real numbers. Are you sure you don't work for that tornado company? I have the same exact year and engine as you (96 XLT V6 4.0). I'd love to gain that type of gas mileage improvement, but I don't want to waste my money on something that really does nothing. Have you been tracking your mileage consistently? I mean, I'm sorry, but you sound more like a sales pitch to me. No offense.

I'd still like to know how the air would still be "vortexed" with the gigantic throttle plate right in the middle of the air intake system. Sounds to me like putting a "vortex" device before the throttle body is a waste of money and time.

TheJMan said:
I'd still like to know how the air would still be "vortexed" with the gigantic throttle plate right in the middle of the air intake system. Sounds to me like putting a "vortex" device before the throttle body is a waste of money and time.

no that just makes too much sense

anything that is pitched on a late night commericial, and then sold in autozone after being "only available on this TV offer" WILL NOT WORK. the reason its on tv that late is so you will be tired, and easily influenced to buy it.

Could it be that your improved milage is due to a difference in how you drive? I went from 14 to 20 just by being easier on the throttle and a little slower on the hwy. and i have two different engine styles

I get 18 mpg every day with my 96 v-6.......mostly highway at 60 mph.

Indeed, simple fluid dynamics. The tornado and others like it generate turbulence, and turbulent flow ALWAYS moves less air than laminar (aka straight-line) flow. That, combined with the fact that it's generally mounted upstream of the throttle body, tells me that this is a completely useless device.


I installed one about a year ago.It's SUPPOSED to "improve throttle response increase MPGs and power". It had no effect on anything other than a decrease of $65.00 in my pocket.

Okay, there has been a lot of negativity towards my post, so I'd like to clear some things up.

No, I do not work for the tornado company.

No my mileage isn't improving because of the way I drive. Actually, I'm driving a little harder now because her acceleration is a lot better.

I drive back and fourth from NY to PA about 9 times a year. Never have I made it to NY and back to my house on one tank of gas. Last week I did it. 385 miles on one tank of gas. And no, I don't drive at 60, 65 or 70. Typically the cruise is set somewhere between 75 and 85 depending on where I am during the trip.

You can all say what you want about it. If it doesn't work for you, then okay. It works for me. I don't know what the HP difference is, I just know it accelerates faster. I don't know how it's affected my fuel economy, all I know is that it is. I've now seen it work on three different vehicles. Mine, my gf's 2002 Chrysler Sebring and my uncle's 99 Exepedition.

If you're skeptical because you don't understand the conecpt or think that it's only sold on late night TV to get groggy consumers to purchase it, I'm not telling you to go out and get it. I got it, and I immediately saw results.

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no negativity intended, but are you familiar with placebos?
