Going Electric? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Going Electric?

Dennis J.A.A.

Well-Known Member
December 26, 2021
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South/central Wisconsin - Janesville
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2017 Explorer Interceptor
It has been discussed in many states (by the Democratic politicians starting in CA) to discontinue any and all gas & diesel fueled vehicles. It will be a done deal in CA very soon and they are convincing other Democratic states to follow their lead.
With this in mind and with all that most of us have put into our vehicles have you thought of the installation of an electric motor?
I just watched a video where they swapped out a VW Bug gas to electric motor in one day. However it took everyone in the shop and special electricians to do it but they did it (in England). The guy driving it said it has much more power and handles much better because of the weight distribution BUT it was a BUG and not a SUV PIU.
Not that I can afford to do this; I would be interested to find out what the conversion cost would be for us. This would include: labor, disposal cost of the gas engine, the electric motor, the batteries and accessories that go with it.
I have put in many hours (and $$$) to design this vehicle just the way I wanted it. I would hate to see all this work go to a junk yard just because of a few idiot politicians. Then again at my age I might be lucky enough to crap out before it becomes [their] law!
What is your thought?


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It has been discussed in many states (by the Democratic politicians starting in CA) to discontinue any and all gas & diesel fueled vehicles. It will be a done deal in CA very soon and they are convincing other Democratic states to follow their lead.
With this in mind and with all that most of us have put into our vehicles have you thought of the installation of an electric motor?
I just watched a video where they swapped out a VW Bug gas to electric motor in one day. However it took everyone in the shop and special electricians to do it but they did it (in England). The guy driving it said it has much more power and handles much better because of the weight distribution BUT it was a BUG and not a SUV PIU.
Not that I can afford to do this; I would be interested to find out what the conversion cost would be for us. This would include: labor, disposal cost of the gas engine, the electric motor, the batteries and accessories that go with it.
I have put in many hours (and $$$) to design this vehicle just the way I wanted it. I would hate to see all this work go to a junk yard just because of a few idiot politicians. Then again at my age I might be lucky enough to crap out before it becomes [their] law!
What is your thought?

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Honestly, I believe EV is the dumbest thing ever our electric grid cannot handle it and the batteries will not last long also the mining for the lithium and other metals for the batteries is worse than ICE i am one that will stick to ICE vehicles well after they discontinue new ICE vehicles i do not believe these EVs are going to work and the biggest issue imo is the ability for them to be remotely shut down with that said these politicians are completely stupid in thinking that EVs are the way as far as i can see there is not enough infrastructure to support these vehicles just like California banning new gas cars after 2035 ok fine but they can't even keep the power on so how do they expect people to charge their cars or be able to drive anywhere i prefer the old and reliable ICE vehicles as they are easy and fairly cheap to fix

These states are only planning to ban the sale of new ICE vehicles..not the sale of used vehicles or use of ICE vehicles.
For now, eventually they will try and force us to all electric

Honestly, I believe EV is the dumbest thing ever our electric grid cannot handle it and the batteries will not last long also the mining for the lithium and other metals for the batteries is worse than ICE i am one that will stick to ICE vehicles well after they discontinue new ICE vehicles i do not believe these EVs are going to work and the biggest issue imo is the ability for them to be remotely shut down with that said these politicians are completely stupid in thinking that EVs are the way as far as i can see there is not enough infrastructure to support these vehicles just like California banning new gas cars after 2035 ok fine but they can't even keep the power on so how do they expect people to charge their cars or be able to drive anywhere i prefer the old and reliable ICE vehicles as they are easy and fairly cheap to fix
I agree 100% that they never thought out the entire process out nor did they think of how many industries would be affected by this. They also never thought about people wanting to take a 300 mile trip for the weekend because these vehicles would need to be charged so many times the weekend would be shot! How about being stranded on the highway in a snowstorm trying to have heat in the vehicle until help came?
Yes, I know that the entire idea is silly but it is a 'what if' that I was wondering about.

I agree 100% that they never thought out the entire process out nor did they think of how many industries would be affected by this. They also never thought about people wanting to take a 300 mile trip for the weekend because these vehicles would need to be charged so many times the weekend would be shot! How about being stranded on the highway in a snowstorm trying to have heat in the vehicle until help came?
Yes, I know that the entire idea is silly but it is a 'what if' that I was wondering about.
Yep, hopefully the next administration will reverse this BS and manufactures will start making ICE vehicles again instead of turning electric

Hybrid is the way to go in this day and age. A small gas engine turning a generator to charge the batteries when they need charged. That's what California needs to do for now.
ADDED: Tues a.m. Y'all know that is essentially how a Prius functions. That's why it's called a Hybrid. It runs on electric or gas. At some point Hybrids have had plug in capabilities added.
Toyota Prius Wiki

Hybrid is the way to go in this day and age. A small gas engine turning a generator to charge the batteries. That's what California needs to do for now.
I would rather drive a hybrid than an EV any day I have drove a few Priuses and they aren't that bad but still I'd rather drive my X any day

Hybrid is the way to go in this day and age. A small gas engine turning a generator to charge the batteries. That's what California needs to do for now.
The problem with using an ICE engine to run a generator to charge batteries only compounds inefficiencies. There would be the inefficiency of the ICE engine. Then add the inefficiency of the generator. Then add in the inefficiency of the charging system. Then add in the inefficiencies of the batteries and EV drive system. I suspect one would be better off just using the ICE engine to drive the vehicle from an efficiency aspect.

The problem with using an ICE engine to run a generator to charge batteries only compounds inefficiencies. There would be the inefficiency of the ICE engine. Then add the inefficiency of the generator. Then add in the inefficiency of the charging system. Then add in the inefficiencies of the batteries and EV drive system. I suspect one would be better off just using the ICE engine to drive the vehicle from an efficiency aspect.
Honestly I believe ice vehicles are the best way to go especially the new ones that are way more efficient

It has been discussed in many states (by the Democratic politicians starting in CA) to discontinue any and all gas & diesel fueled vehicles. It will be a done deal in CA very soon and they are convincing other Democratic states to follow their lead.
With this in mind and with all that most of us have put into our vehicles have you thought of the installation of an electric motor?
I just watched a video where they swapped out a VW Bug gas to electric motor in one day. However it took everyone in the shop and special electricians to do it but they did it (in England). The guy driving it said it has much more power and handles much better because of the weight distribution BUT it was a BUG and not a SUV PIU.
Not that I can afford to do this; I would be interested to find out what the conversion cost would be for us. This would include: labor, disposal cost of the gas engine, the electric motor, the batteries and accessories that go with it.
I have put in many hours (and $$$) to design this vehicle just the way I wanted it. I would hate to see all this work go to a junk yard just because of a few idiot politicians. Then again at my age I might be lucky enough to crap out before it becomes [their] law!
What is your thought?
I think doing these type of things from a practical aspect at this point is very premature unless one just wants to experiment with something. There are a number of kits being sold to convert ICE powered vehicles to electric. Click this link to go to a Google search.

Right now in CA they say they want to ban ICE vehicles and then tell EV owners to not charge their vehicles in order to prevent power grid failures! There is ZERO thought going into these insane environmental laws being passed. The ones pushing them are either dumb as a door knob or are planning the destruction of our society for means of having complete control over the masses. I mean, what is the point in converting to electric if you aren't able to charge your vehicle? I plan to ride this out and if I buy anything new it would be a hybrid at this point and most likely a Ford Maverick hybrid.

Honestly I believe ice vehicles are the best way to go especially the new ones that are way more efficient
I agree. These days one can buy a Ford Maverick hybrid and get over 40 mpg on the highway and nearly 50 mpg in the city. One thing that people aren't considering with EVs is that the cost of electricity will skyrocket if they are adopted in large numbers. Electricity costs are increasing rapidly and even now the cost saving from buying, and operating, an EV is not much lower than an ICE hybrid vehicle. In the not too distant future the cost of operating EVs will cost more than ICE vehicles unless they intentionally lower oil production.

ok... heres my take, as a CA boyo...

1. (overarching idea) as an idea, they work, and work well. I could see them being ok in the future.
2. we cant keep the toaster up, how about a car? we had record draw 53k megawatts iirc or close to there.
3. if we can greenify the grid, maybe less fossil fuels, since its either the cars burning this stuff or the utility burning the coal, id be more open to them.
4. problem with #3 is the amount of carbon to make the solar panels etc, but, they will get use, so suppose theyre good.
5. the materials used in batteries..........................
6. the battery is an integral part of the vehicle, one smack and its totaled (seen it before, hydroplaned into curb, no visible damage, misaligned wheel, but some battery case was cracked so it was totaled)
7. lack of ease of battery serviceability (im scared of the orange wire)

that said, i could see it as a DD once we can make grid more resilient etc, but i would for sure still want me an ICE for weekends to have fun, take trips, etc. especially i the cost of an EV could be comparable to a gasser, and the batteries could last a good while (tech is rapidly evolving, todays batteries are much better than 20 years ago, still a way to go, but way better i will admit (for the record, no i will not have a plate that says NOCO2 or LOLWATT))

that said, i am open to hybrids. yes orange wire still there, but best of both worlds imo. good range/availability of fuel for a ICE but has part time electric. if markups were a thing of the past would be considering a maverick.

one last word is that instant EV torque is addicting :D though you dont feel the same as a gasser screaming, but i will admit they put you back in your seat)

as of now, i would not go to an EV if i didnt have a gasser, maybe even hybrid. first id need a gasser as a backup/toy, then can own EV/hybrid. im open to them, just not 1000% onboard yet. still a bit leery, not quite ready yet imo

EV technology is not nearly refined enough for them to be mainstreamed and won't be for some time. Then add in the poor state of our electrical grid and EVs won't be viable as an ICE replacement for another 20 years. IMO, EVs will be viable when Thorium reactors are viable because this will be when electricity is abundant and cheap.

EV technology is not nearly refined enough for them to be mainstreamed and won't be for some time. Then add in the poor state of our electrical grid and EVs won't be viable as an ICE replacement for another 20 years. IMO, EVs will be viable when Thorium reactors are viable because this will be when electricity is abundant and cheap.
here in CA its becoming pretty mainstream, especially in LA. also as we close more nuclear plants we end up burning more coal, nice logic there imo

ok... heres my take, as a CA boyo...

1. (overarching idea) as an idea, they work, and work well. I could see them being ok in the future.
2. we cant keep the toaster up, how about a car? we had record draw 53k megawatts iirc or close to there.
3. if we can greenify the grid, maybe less fossil fuels, since its either the cars burning this stuff or the utility burning the coal, id be more open to them.
4. problem with #3 is the amount of carbon to make the solar panels etc, but, they will get use, so suppose theyre good.
5. the materials used in batteries..........................
6. the battery is an integral part of the vehicle, one smack and its totaled (seen it before, hydroplaned into curb, no visible damage, misaligned wheel, but some battery case was cracked so it was totaled)
7. lack of ease of battery serviceability (im scared of the orange wire)

that said, i could see it as a DD once we can make grid more resilient etc, but i would for sure still want me an ICE for weekends to have fun, take trips, etc. especially i the cost of an EV could be comparable to a gasser, and the batteries could last a good while (tech is rapidly evolving, todays batteries are much better than 20 years ago, still a way to go, but way better i will admit (for the record, no i will not have a plate that says NOCO2 or LOLWATT))

that said, i am open to hybrids. yes orange wire still there, but best of both worlds imo. good range/availability of fuel for a ICE but has part time electric. if markups were a thing of the past would be considering a maverick.

one last word is that instant EV torque is addicting :D though you dont feel the same as a gasser screaming, but i will admit they put you back in your seat)

as of now, i would not go to an EV if i didnt have a gasser, maybe even hybrid. first id need a gasser as a backup/toy, then can own EV/hybrid. im open to them, just not 1000% onboard yet. still a bit leery, not quite ready yet imo
Yep i mean maybe 20 30 years from now but right now all they want is mass control and want to make us live by their rules

here in CA its becoming pretty mainstream, especially in LA. also as we close more nuclear plants we end up burning more coal, nice logic there imo
I believe the plan is to ban gasoline and oil all together that's another reason I believe it's time for America to stand up and fight these idiots that believe we should do what they say when they say and the sad part is they don't want us happy they talk all this BS about going green while they fly around in jets and drive ice vehicles their plan will fail and if they keep pushing the envelope and doing extreme things I believe we are going to have either a civil war or an all-out war in our country and that is something I do not want to see I love my country and I will defend it if I have to now with that said there is hope that they can start fixing this crap and we can all go back to being united and happy again

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