Headlight Cleaner/Defogger? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Headlight Cleaner/Defogger?

Just looking for advice on cleaning up yellow fogged up nasty headlights. Have any ideas let me know please.

Tried some blue magic headlight polish with a rag and it didnt hardly do anything. Maybe ill try a buffer?

Ive heard blue magic metal polish works well.

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Just looking for advice on cleaning up yellow fogged up nasty helmet. Have any ideas let me know please.

Tried some blue magic headlight polish with a rag and it didnt hardly do anything. Maybe ill try a buffer?

Ive heard blue magic metal polish works well.

They sell kits now to clean them up, mcguire's, and mothers and probably a few others make them.

my dad's ride is getting yellow and fogged up on the driver side on his headlight of his car as well. i have been trying to tell my dad to sell his ride and get another ride and he doesnt want to get a new car yet.

currently he drives a 00 mitsubishi diamante es

maybe when i come back to the bay to visit in june i will talk to him and try to convence him to get another car.

i have seen some nice rides over here in so cali for him he defnitely needs a new car cause he is in real estate and sells houses he needs a better ride. I told him he should look at some mercedes benzs and lexus and caddys. he also likes the lincoln town cars a lot he used to drive one but he sold it to my gf parents it was a 00 model and he had a 92 town car but it got totalled.

i saw some nice mercedes benz e350s and some other rides like cadillac dts and lexus ls460 and lexus gs430 and some others.

he loves the lincoln town car but they are discontinuing it.

This stuff works great on my Paseo and Explorer headlights, where the clearcoat is coming off. I usually use that, then follow up with a coat of wax.


This stuff works great on my Paseo and Explorer headlights, where the clearcoat is coming off. I usually use that, then follow up with a coat of wax.


Ill give it a try. Thanks.

Any other suggestions?

keep spending money on wax and repair kits,, could have bought lights,, used with no fog, from a junk yard,

ive tried this on a 12yr old heep, plastic lenses clouded up bad. Tried the kit they seemed to look better but it did ok, and the kit was about $15 or so forgot which one. one day i was searching fleabay found NEW lamps for $20. . . . .heck i bought the pair for like $35 including bulbs and shipping. . .so MUCH better then the so fixed ones. night and day.

I saw this on tv and tried it, and it actually worked--

Colgate toothpaste. the white pasty type.

Rub it in with a lot of force, and buff off well. Wipe off any remaining film with a damp towel.

This stuff works great on my Paseo and Explorer headlights, where the clearcoat is coming off. I usually use that, then follow up with a coat of wax.


That thing did nothing for mine, I went and got new ones instead, like $40 per side for some Certifit ones (One of mine was cracked and decided it was time for new plastic hehe)

Yours must have been way gone.

The only headlights I have used this on, with no results, was on a Oldsmobile Silhouette. Those were shot, and would have needed some serious sanding/polishing to even get a smooth surface to use the PlastX.

I used Eagle 1 aluminium wheel polish on my Mustangs lights and alot of elbow grease and they look almost new. I've also used the toothpaste and had good results with that as well. Best thing I can say is use a little pressure with whatever you decide to use. If your fingers don't hurt by the time your done with the first one....you didn't do it right.

Try putting them in the dishwasher a few times.. That has always worked wonders for me in the past.... Its cheap too. And really cant get any easier.. And you dont loose anything trying. But i´d say they have to be pretty damn dirty for this not to work...

