Help on prices for BFG All terrains? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help on prices for BFG All terrains?

Hey guys, I jsut got done doing a Torsion twist and add a leaf/ shackle lift on my 97 X, it looks raelly sweet. I am going to buy 31x10.5 R15 BFG all terrain KO's for it. I am looking to find the best price on the internet and wanted help if anyone knows sweet deals. My buddy at Sears will price match me for any price that I can find, so I was looking for some help! Thanks!

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heck.. sears has them on sale for 100 quite often here. i think that's about the lowest you will find.

I have found $111 online, and Sears will match that plus $10 per tire for "shipping". (That's because if I bought them online and shipped them to me to have Sears put them on, that's what it would cost). I was hoping to do better than that, but I need actual proof of the low price.

BFG controls the price. You won't find them any cheaper than that.

Try they usually have the best prices o alot of tires and wheels and even combos. i know you can get an awesome set of baja claws in 31\10.50\r15 with american racing steel wheels for like $539.

Yeah, I know I can fit bigger tires under there, but I use my Explorer for highway traveling too. So I want a cross between something aggressive and chunky, while maintaining a decent highway traveling vehicle. So I don't want to be getting too big with my tires when this is my only car right now. Believe me, I've thought about it. ;)

in canada i paid $175,ea. and that includes everything - mount/ balance etc. and in my area thats a great deal

Go for the bigger tires, you will thank yourself for it later. I have TT AAL and Shackles with bfg 31x10.5 and hate how much wheel gap there is left over. I dont have any close ups but here shows the gap.


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tire warehouse is 500 installed for 31's

For 31s, I believe JackWilliams Tire Co had them for $115/ea. I paid $125 for the 275s in Maine :p a couple years ago. Love the 31s and I have no lift... yet.

tire warehouse is 500 installed for 31's

Yeah, Big O is about the same, $104 per tire, plus install, etc...

I took in the $50 coupon and got the road-hazard warranty.

It ended up $500 out the door.

I picked up a set at Sams for $90 a piece plus mounting and balancing came to right under $500

Try Mexico if you live close to the border.

BFG All Terrrain 235/75R15 about $365 (installed)

Originally posted by bamacraig
I picked up a set at Sams for $90 a piece plus mounting and balancing came to right under $500

what size was this for?

I just had BFG A/T 31x10.5 on my ranger last week.....
$518 installed at BJ's wholesale club
