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Hmm, Toyota Tundra ponderings...

I just spent the weekend making a trip in a Tundra. Seems like a decent ride, not overly impressive but decent nontheless. If you want one i say get one.

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My boss has one. We call it a 95% truck. The cab feels smaller then my chevy and his old ford. The bed isnt that deep so it makes hauling alot of suff hard. It seems to drive pretty nice but isnt really a full size truck. I would eather go with a tcaoma or ranger if I dont haul alot of stuff or go ford chevy dodge if I needed a full size truck. I havent driven a titan but I have driven an armada, while it had good power and felt pretty nice to drive I think the hole nissan line up is ugly looking.

Ranger SS said:
tundra = gay for the $$$... weakest engine... 285 hp, 325 ft lbs torque is week for a full size considering the other import trucks are making 305 hp, 379 ft lbs (Titan) and if your a true american and want a ford chevy or dodge, tundra falls short of all 3 in HP and torque as well... but its your decission and $$$... have fun with buyers remorse the first time you race a F-150, Silverado, Ram, or Titan... and YES speed IS important in a well rounded truck...
Please, pull your head out of your ass and stay out of my thread. A truck is meant for purpose, utility, and power. It is not meant to take the place of an M3, Ferrari, Lamborghini or anything else that is designed for performance road use. Don't give me that american-bullshit either. I'm just as much american as you, and when I feel the Chevy, Dodge, etc start making a QUALITY product, I'll buy it. It is an international market that keeps our economy alive, so why do I care where my money goes in the short term? (I dont)

For the record, the F-150s almost all have less power and torque than the Tundra, unless you get the 5.4L SOHC, which has a whole lot more displacement compared to the toyota engine.

So, now that we've decided I'm going to be domestic-ricing my truck... lets address the issue of why a Tundra is suitable for a college kid...
a) because I earn it.
b) because I'm helping fund it
c) because you have absolutely no say over what is appropriate for me.

Ranger SS said:
if you prefer to go slow, get the tundra... speed IS important to me atleast... i still have my balls...
Man you are in for a wake up call. :eek: :rolleyes: :thumbdwn:

So, I would appreciate it if you would take your threadcrapping elsewhere...

Back on topic, I rode in one and the interior is rather bland, but then again I don't think I would mind messing it up so much... I guess I'll have to see what depreciation has done when I goto buy and see what my other options are.

I would also get a Tacoma.. for some reason the Tundra just doesnt seem like a true full size (if thats what your looking for)... the Tacoma seems similar, and more "practical" if you dont need the towing power.

I always thought the Toyota trucks were pretty high priced, but seems like some good deals can be had if you look hard enough.

tgertz77 said:
I always thought the Toyota trucks were pretty high priced
perhaps but they often get the best dependability rating in the industry.

IZwack said:
perhaps but they often get the best dependability rating in the industry.

IZwack said:
the titan is also a little bit more expensive than the titan..

On Subject-----> I like Toyotas. I always have. I am in love with there trucks. However, i prefer the new Tacomas (especially the double cab long beds, and access cabs with the hood scoops) to the Tundras. The Tundra does have a tad more power than the Tacoma (because of the larger engine). I say go for the Tundra if that is what you like. Are you planning on going new, used or certified pre-owned?

TheFox88 said:
aaha!!!! my fault - twas a long night for me.

The truck will ideally be a new dark blue or black Access Cab Stepside 4x4 V8...

Here's the deal for you full-sized junkies out there (you know who you are :D)

I understand the fullsized appeal, but I am not a construction worker, I do not carry huge beds of hay, etc. If the truck isn't quite up to fullsized standards, odds are it wont have a huge impact on me as it would on some. I do care about power and towing capacity though, as I do tow stuff, and I have had bad luck with the suburban and towing (4th transmission is a bad sign). In that regard, I would gladly buy the tundra over the tacoma. The only reason I would consider the tacoma is for moddability (not a word!) but the way I see it is the Tundra is a beefed up Tacoma which is slightly less moddable.

I can Deal with that.

heads up! Perhaps I ought to save a bit more and get the double cab...

That suburban wouldnt happen to have a 700r4 in it. Did you do your towing with it in OD. Alot of things i have heard about the 700e4 failing while towing was because of using OD and the planitaries not being able to take the load. How big of trailer (weight wise) do you plan on towing? The reason I ask is cause when I bought my chevy I figured the max I would tow would be aroound 6000 lbs (4000lb truck 2000k trailer) my truck is rated to tow 8200 so I thught I would be find but I find myself wishing I had bought a bigger truck that could tow more.

Nope, never ever towed anything in OD mode...

The sad part was our OHV 4L 92 Explorer handled the boat we towed much better.

Also musing nissan titans, but they are definitely more expensive.

Have you looked at the Honda Ridgeline? If your looking for something out of the ordinary, this thing is it. A guy i work with has one. He says it tows his boat really well. It's a really different set up though....its 4wd, but it is always front wheel drive, and the rear kick in in 4wd....and the engine is sidways like a car. Someone was thinking out of the box.

kert0307 said:
Have you looked at the Honda Ridgeline? If your looking for something out of the ordinary, this thing is it.
personally, i think the ridgeline is odd looking... indeed somebody was thinking out of the box, but i think they were "under the influence" when the ridgeline concepts came to mind. plus the ridgeline vehicle is too new, i think it is out of the budget.

No ridgeline.

Current plan is Nissan Titan and Tundra as a backup if I can't get the cash for a Titan.

I have now driven both, the Titan is a better truck in basically every respect I could distinguish in one drive.

i say get it, i mean its meteor proof, that has to say somthing doesnt it

i say get it, i mean its meteor proof, that has to say somthing doesnt it

351wExplorer said:
i say get it, i mean its meteor proof, that has to say somthing doesnt it

I LOVE that commerical.

I'm also one of the few, it seems, who think the Titan is a good looking truck. Go for it man. :thumbsup:

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One of my best friends builds them in Princeton...they're ok. I wouldn't buy one though...they're ugly as hell. If you a college kid, save your money, buy something that can haul a few people around and get decent your money for booze and *****s hahahaha

I don't like the styling of any of the "foreign" trucks...however some of the older taco's were ok
