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How many miles will an explorer go for?

289,000 now on my 2002 XLS, 4.0. Transmission rebuilt at 140K, and I've done the timing cassettes twice (tip: use only Motorcraft timing components, I got burned using Cloyes the first time).

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I have 150k on my 2002 V-8 limited tri coat pearl, tow pack, black interior. At 140k I had to replaced the transmission, 130k replaced wheel bearings. It runs good and the paint (tri coat pearl)still looks good best $300 bucks I ever spent on a new car.

185k on my 03 4.6L.

Had to rebuild the rear end at 125k, done some preventive work on the trans, and replaced the timing chain sets at 168k.

Good thing my wife works at the Ford dealer!

130k For our 97' SPORT 4x4, orig paint but faded on the roof and hatch, engine has never been touched except for oil and filter changes, plugs and wires, belts and upper intake gaskets (OHV), however the rear main oil seal, and front pump seal are leaking, but not real bad yet. Installed new a/c components six years ago, and rebuilt the front suspension, in 2015 I gutted the interior (except for the dash) and cleaned all the nicotine off everything (prev. owner smokers) and installed new carpet. As it stands we put less than a thousand miles a year on it, mostly now it is a backup vehicle, or use it to get bags mulch from the home store, and bags of salt for the water softner.

2002 ford explorer xlt v8 4.6l with 225654 miles runing as good as new

2002 ford explorer xlt v8 4.6l with 225654 miles runing as good as new
From all I've heard here, V-8 excells over V-6 because of those timing chain guides. so, I'm nursing my '04 with the V-6 at 163,000, to see how long it can go. No problems, yet. imp

Just over 270000 8 cylinder mountaineer. Runs strong except the 12 miles per gallon I average.....

I have a 2005 Explorer with the V6. It has 125K although I am starting to have issues with the transmission in 2nd and 5th gear (And thanks to this forum I was not surprised when this issue came up). At this point I am not sure what I will do with the transmission issue in terms of having it rebuilt or looking for a low mileage replacement from a junk yard. I just replaced both rear wheel bearings. I bought the car when it was a year old and other than the transmission issue it has been trouble free. I do really like the vehicle and would easily buy another one.

Just over 270000 8 cylinder mountaineer. Runs strong except the 12 miles per gallon I average.....

That’s awesome! I am coming up on 255,000 (rebuilt engine installed at 250.6K miles). I was getting around 12 mpg also, but after changing the catalytic converters and O2 sensors, I’m getting about 14.5-15 mpg average with plenty of romps on the throttle for fun. Maybe a set of O2 sensors will yield a return in mileage? From what I have seen, the ones from Napa are reasonably priced and appear to be the same as the Motorcraft replacement.

... I am starting to have issues with the transmission in 2nd and 5th gear (And thanks to this forum I was not surprised when this issue came up). At this point I am not sure what I will do with the transmission issue in terms of having it rebuilt or looking for a low mileage replacement from a junk yard.

I purchased the servo kit and was going to install it, but decided to have the transmission rebuilt since I think the truck will last with its boxed frame, etc. If you don’t mind doing the servo O-ring replacement in another 50-90K, the AL1E servo kit seems to get a lot of positive responses.

I just finished rebuilding my tranny at 178K. Same thing, 2nd and 5th would flare. When I opened it up, my overdrive and sun gear were shot! I wound up boring out the servos and inserting brass bushings while I had it open. She's got a second life now!

Seems to me there are only two good explanations for the timing of one bank to be out that much: a failed timing chain repair; or a failed timing chain and no repair. I hope it was the first, for your sake.

If it was really out 30 degree on this interference engine, I would suspect possible valve damage. Did you do a leak down test and/or compression test?

If there was no timing chain repair attempted and the timing was that much off, then you can have no confidence that simply by re-setting the timing you're good to go. What caused the timing to get out of wack in the first place? Bad guide that allowed one of the timing chains to slip a notch? Not good.

Beats the stuff outta me! When it craps the bed, it's going to the crusher! POS German design engine! "Vee make zem as difficult to verk on as possible!".

I have a 2005 Explorer with the V6. It has 125K although I am starting to have issues with the transmission in 2nd and 5th gear (And thanks to this forum I was not surprised when this issue came up). At this point I am not sure what I will do with the transmission issue in terms of having it rebuilt or looking for a low mileage replacement from a junk yard. I just replaced both rear wheel bearings. I bought the car when it was a year old and other than the transmission issue it has been trouble free. I do really like the vehicle and would easily buy another one.
Another vote for the AJ1E servo bore repair kit. You might get away with replacing just the overdrive servo given your symptons. Its not a bad repair if you use the drill-hole-to extract snapring method. Trans shifts like a dream now on my 195 k miles 'sploder. So glad I did not have to removed transmission!

That’s awesome! I am coming up on 255,000 (rebuilt engine installed at 250.6K miles). I was getting around 12 mpg also, but after changing the catalytic converters and O2 sensors, I’m getting about 14.5-15 mpg average with plenty of romps on the throttle for fun. Maybe a set of O2 sensors will yield a return in mileage? From what I have seen, the ones from Napa are reasonably priced and appear to be the same as the Motorcraft replacement.

I purchased the servo kit and was going to install it, but decided to have the transmission rebuilt since I think the truck will last with its boxed frame, etc. If you don’t mind doing the servo O-ring replacement in another 50-90K, the AL1E servo kit seems to get a lot of positive responses.

I will take a look at that. The Explorer is still in very good shape so it is probably worth it to just have the transmission rebuilt and not have anything to worry about.

My 2003 4.6 V8 XLT will go no farther! My daughter got hit on the interstate driving it and was pushed off the road, rolled the Explorer 4 times. Great vehicle, trashed, but she walked out of it with minor bruises!
It had 230,000 miles and never needed transmission work. Engine held up well, with the timing chain guides being the only major problem.

I replaced it with a F-150, but still have an old 2002 mountaineer with the V8. These vehicles may not get the best mileage, but they are tanks!

Thanks for sharing your story about your daughter. Thank goodness!

I made the mistake of giving a restored '97 (gen II) Explorer to my adult son for a trip out West few years go. After his mom and I paid for a shop in Colorado to replace the transmission that died in the mountains, his driving companion rolled it on the interstate in Idaho (nodded off at the wheel doing 75-80 mph). Thank god I'd insisted on repairing the driver's seat belt before I let them take off. No airbag deployment, and my son was airlifted to the hospital with fractured hip, but he (and she) were okay.

I now tell anyone who will listen that they should let their Gen II's die a dignified death (unless they are used exclusively on a farm or something), and stick with Gen III's and up. Ford widened the Gen III a couple inches, lowered the center of gravity, and moved to an independent rear suspension. MUCH safer vehicle IMHO.

Sadly my 2014 Explorer XLT just hit the 100,000 miles. I was hoping its a lot less but I travel 96 miles round-trip to work and back daily. No engine issues so far. Runs like new and still going strong. (no need to knock wood, I believe in Ford).

My 02 Eddie Bauer 4.6 has 215,870 right now and about 211,9xxx when I got it Feb 17, 2018. Engine/Trans/Transfer case are original and never been opened up. Wasn't maintained the best by the guy I bought it from, but CarFax reports the other 2 owners took it do the dealer to get serviced somewhat regularly. Had a nasty misfire when I got it

I've done a few things to it between now and when I got it;
Door wires (A few were broke, soldered them back together), High pressure Power Steering line, Tail pipe/ Muffler were replaced, 3rd cat was plugged (running straight pipe in it's place) Ambient Air Temp Sensor, Fuel Filter, Swapped some known good coils in, 1 fuel injector, Spark plugs at 213k, Throttle Body gasket, Filler neck, Rear rotors/pads, Rear left Wheel bearing, Front passenger window motor/regulator, Hood struts, Alternator, Serpentine belt, Front left upper control arm/ball joint (Original control arm rotted out), Rear glass struts, Door Ajar switch on driver door, and 2 oil changes. 2nd oil change was @ 215,775 only because I forgot when I did the other one and never reset the oil life.

Front end is showing signs of wear, got a lower BJ going out on pass side front. Outer tie rod, too. Got a set of tie rods (inner and outer), 2 lower ball joints, 2 sway bar links to install still. Everything is Moog and made in USA surprisingly!! Going to inspect front brakes as they're squeaking (No carfax report of brake job, so assuming DIY). Mileage on them is unknown. Need to fix the driver seat not moving forward or back & heated seat not working, address the rocker panels (or lack thereof) , some floor work in the rear trunk area and the awful annoying exhaust manifold leak on the driver side. Springs are squeaking too so a set of quick struts on all 4's probably before summer is over. Tranny lines look crusty so probably replace those before they blow. Couple other minor things I can't think of at the moment.

Other than the pile of receipts, busted knuckles and a few expletives shouted, I love my Explorer. I've always wanted one since before I had my license and I'm 25 now. I'll keep throwing parts at it whenever she needs 'em. I have no plans on getting anything newer anytime soon. These things are tanks. Even though mine's been neglected by the previous owner, it still gets me to work every morning. Once I get the front end fixed and a few minor things taken care of, I see no reason why it won't last as long as I want to keep it. It rides nice, and is comfortable. Not a land whale and hauls what I need to. Plus the exhaust sounds killer with a glass pack.

Seems to me there are only two good explanations for the timing of one bank to be out that much: a failed timing chain repair; or a failed timing chain and no repair. I hope it was the first, for your sake.

If it was really out 30 degree on this interference engine, I would suspect possible valve damage. Did you do a leak down test and/or compression test?

If there was no timing chain repair attempted and the timing was that much off, then you can have no confidence that simply by re-setting the timing you're good to go. What caused the timing to get out of wack in the first place? Bad guide that allowed one of the timing chains to slip a notch? Not good.
Things look good in there. I too, am hoping it was a chain change out and poor cam setup. Thirty degrees on the crank isn't all that much, if one thinks about it, when it comes to piston/valve interference. Lucky for us, huh? At leaast for me. LOL

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That's my girl! 2002 XLS with 4.0.
