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Husky Liners


Active Member
June 20, 2011
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Illinois quad cities
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 ST
Just thought I'd mention that I just ordered a set of these for our 2011 Limited and the group discount is still available. Thanks to whoever set this up!!

We had our first bit of snow last night and decided it was time to quit talking about it and time to order them. Sent an email inquiring if it was still available and got this reply:

Yes, we have left that open for any members who would still like to order.

Please contact Melissa Elrod at 800-344-8759 ext 119.

Thank you for your interest in our Husky product lines and have a wonderful weekend!


Andrea R. Coleman

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I didn't know about this group discount program, how much are they? I found a set on ebay Black driver, passenger, 2 row and full cargo area ( with 3rd row folded down), shipped they were 165, which I thought was a decent deal.....they fit perfectly, they seem to be a slightly lighter material than my weather tecs, which are stiffer.

These huskys fit better though IMO

I just got my weathertech today for my EX and i already have the husky for the murano. WT are more flexable than husky which i find useful when i use the third seat i can simply roll the cargo liner' something I can't do with husky. Other thing about WT is they have deeper grooves which is good to collect water vs with husky i usually end up with a pool of water in snowy days. Just to be fair i got the husky 6 yrs ago so maybe they fixed those issues.

I didn't know about this group discount program, how much are they? I found a set on ebay Black driver, passenger, 2 row and full cargo area ( with 3rd row folded down), shipped they were 165, which I thought was a decent deal.....they fit perfectly, they seem to be a slightly lighter material than my weather tecs, which are stiffer.

These huskys fit better though IMO

If I recall, my group buy discount was around $300 with free shipping. This was all 3 rows plus 3rdthe row well (where seats fold into) and 3rd row cargo.

It was between 50-60% off their retail prices.

I just got my weathertech today for my EX and i already have the husky for the murano. WT are more flexable than husky which i find useful when i use the third seat i can simply roll the cargo liner' something I can't do with husky. Other thing about WT is they have deeper grooves which is good to collect water vs with husky i usually end up with a pool of water in snowy days. Just to be fair i got the husky 6 yrs ago so maybe they fixed those issues.

CDN - how long did your's take to arrive?

I ordered 28/11 and got them today

If I recall, my group buy discount was around $300 with free shipping. This was all 3day rows plus 3rdthe row well (where seats fold into) and 3rd row cargo.

It was between 50-60% off their retail prices.

Hmmmm, seems like a a decent deal for all 4 pieces
Driver/passenger and 2nd row = 169.00
Cargo cover 3rd row = 130.00
3rd floor mat = 90.00
behind 3rd row rear well = 100

Hmmmm, seems like a a decent deal for all 4 pieces
Driver/passenger and 2nd row = 169.00
Cargo cover 3rd row = 130.00
3rd floor mat = 90.00
behind 3rd row rear well = 100

I believe it was 101 for the first 2 rows and then another 50ish for the 3rd row mat. We didn't get the cargo liner figuring we wouldn't use it. Nice to know if we change our mind though that we'd still get a discount on the final piece.

Here it is..

3rd row well.$62.18

Over 3rd row $77.17

First 2 rows, $101.03

3rd row $54.48

If you get all, total is $294.86.

CDN - how long did your's take to arrive?
calb, just for your info, although both brands are very good, the Husky fronts cover more of the carpeted areas. They have a higher lip and actually come up and cover the carpet area right to the door sill.


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I looked at both and for the reasons Peter stated above I chose the Husky liners.

The deal Blwnsmoke got us was simply too good to pass up.

I pile 3-6 kids in the Ex with mud covered soccer boots every weekend and my carpets are pristine thanks to the Husky liners.

Got the liners today and I must say they look really nice. The front mats especially look plenty deep. Just got done painting our bedroom then I'm gonna run out to the garage and put them in. Rob

Got the liners today and I must say they look really nice. The front mats especially look plenty deep. Just got done painting our bedroom then I'm gonna run out to the garage and put them in. Rob

Anyone know if the OEM cargo liner is good? I'd have to assume it fits nice but was wondering whether or not it was rollable for when i need to use the third row, I'd like to be able to roll it up and tuck it in the well behind the thrid row.

From what i've read it sounds like the WT is more rollable then the Husky.
