I am ready to start my eddie project...'94 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am ready to start my eddie project...'94

The manual hubs on the premium wheels are pretty good. For auto maybe somthing newer would be best.

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well today i updated the brakes....i got new rotors and claipers and ofcourse pads.. the little "lock" thing that you have to remove in order to remove the nut was a pain to get out. all our barrings were good so i cleaned then and put neww grease on them... i think i need to bleed the brake better but its damn near impossible to do them your self. i got real real real dirty and i also found out that the love bugs here in florida love grease, i had a harder time with them getting stuck on everything than i did with the whole project. Thank you Glacier991 for the damn near perfect write up..


i suspension still has not arrived at Hedgehog motorsports...thats what i get for saying i will wait for their next shippment.....atleast i did not pay shipping. and if thats not enough of a headache ProComp said that it will be towards the end of the month before my tires and wheels would get here to to demand of that particular tire size and wheel design bs but they took off the chipping with saved me $95.00.

I am so excited about fixin my explorer up i do need to know if anyone knows a good seat cover for the eddie baurer leather seats its a '94

not i am gonna clean up my mess...

as far as seat covers go, ive never been a fan. ive gone thru way too many in previous vehicles. what happens with me is where the bottom and the vertical part of the seat are stitched together, they rip. just go one step more and get a whole new seat. either used at a scrap yard, a new model of explorer seats, or some aftermarket racing(ish) looking seats. im planning on doing my seats in a few months when the left side rips from jumping in and out of my lifted truck. and when it does...bucket seats and 5 point harnesses are in my future.

still working on getting the parts in....what kind of paint should i use or can i use to paint my trim and bumper trim black

Go to autozone or somethin and look for a dupli color paint for plastics, that stuff works pretty good. Or go to a pick apart junk yard and look for stock black trim. Some specific models of the X came with black trim.

still working on getting the parts in....what kind of paint should i use or can i use to paint my trim and bumper trim black

my tires and rims are in i am going to pick them up tomorrow i will post pics i had to change my rim i went with mickey tompson signature series black also i decided to just take off the trim and leave it off for now and paint the areas marked the came color as the rest of the truck and the trim on the bumpers black take the stripe off and put this eddie bauer emblem where the f150 one is on the trucks fender


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I like that trim and emblem idea. Might do that to mine as well.

you know i thought about that for a while ( to buy some new explorer metal emblems ) but i was at the junk yard one day and found 2 escorts sitting side by side and took the oval emblems off the hatches and stuck them on my doors with 3m body moulding tape then i got the front plate so it all matches lol :D


can i say pissed???? well i am this store that i bought my stuff from is pissing me off they called me and told me that my new wheels and tires were in and to come pick them up today well they were there but not mounted and balanced and i paid for them to be so hopefully tomorrow i will have them in my garage and some pictures of them here. the kits they promised to be here on tues. but i start work tomorrow (yeah its been 9months with not job) so i will have to find the time to install it.

below is the new rim ,,,,,Mickey Thompson M/T Signature Series Wheel only $116 each


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if you are gonna be doing some off road action in it and if its hot there, spend the 35 bucks and get a trans temp gauge kit. summit has one by B&M for bout 35 and it takes an hour or less to install.

nothin like deciding to go off road and end up blowin your trans pan gasket out (what i did) and turning a shaft of gears and bands into one solid metal rod...think smart, not hard.

gauge and all what about a mount for the gauge?

but i start work tomorrow (yeah its been 9months with not job)

And what better way to celebrate then spend 2 grand on wheels and a lift for a 15 year old suv? Yay! lol

can i say pissed???? well i am this store that i bought my stuff from is pissing me off they called me and told me that my new wheels and tires were in and to come pick them up today well they were there but not mounted and balanced and i paid for them to be so hopefully tomorrow i will have them in my garage and some pictures of them here. the kits they promised to be here on tues. but i start work tomorrow (yeah its been 9months with not job) so i will have to find the time to install it.

below is the new rim ,,,,,Mickey Thompson M/T Signature Series Wheel only $116 each

The rims look nice, Can't wait to see some pictures of it when your done. I'm planning on either a 4 inch or 5.5 inch lift on my 94 XLT, inching towards 4 inch.

Good luck and have fun with it :)

gauge and all what about a mount for the gauge?

the B&M one comes with a litle plastic mount or housing that it goes in. or you could make one or mount it somewhere in your dash. i just used the plastic mount it comes with and mounted it under my dash just to the left of the pull out tray.

Man, I don't even have half of your $2k invested in mine and I'm on 34s, did a full transmission conversion, just ordered F250 shock towers, and replaced the exhaust system.

Then again, basically everything with my Explorer has been a matter of right place and right time for me, so... yeah.

That thing is amazingly clean- the black wheels are going to look REALLY good once you get the paint worked out like you want it. I'd have gone with a true mud terrain instead of the bogus A/Ts, but it's your truck.

Good luck and keep things updated, man.

Yeah I'm ready to see this thing on new wheels/tires. Update!

Man, I don't even have half of your $2k invested in mine and I'm on 34s, did a full transmission conversion, just ordered F250 shock towers, and replaced the exhaust system.

Then again, basically everything with my Explorer has been a matter of right place and right time for me, so... yeah.

That thing is amazingly clean- the black wheels are going to look REALLY good once you get the paint worked out like you want it. I'd have gone with a true mud terrain instead of the bogus A/Ts, but it's your truck.

Good luck and keep things updated, man.

i am more interested in the life of the tread more than the purpose but maybe next set will be more mud terrain

I hear you. I mostly DD my F-150 so I went with a soft Interco tire (plus, I try to support the local economy and Interco is about a two hour drive from my house) for the Ex. I'll be keeping with more high-mile tires on the truck. My Ex is just for fun.

That said, it's 100% street legal. I could only wish mine shined like yours does, though. Then again, I probably would be scared to scratch it if it was actually pretty. Hehehe

Good luck with the build- be sure to post some pictures once you get the lift on!

i installed my lift and tires last night 10 hrs of labor and lots of knuckle knocking..... i will post pictures later tomorrow. i am now looking for some fender flares about three inches but i want some made for my gen of explorer or will the second gen fit???? i also started with the body work today took all the molding off and most of the pin stripping. im pooped so night

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that's what I have been waiting to hear!! Took me about 10 hours or so as well, maybe a little less. Post pics asap! Did you order the steering stabilizer with that RC kit? When you start driving it again with your new lift on, it will feel like a whole new machine. :)
