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I need a little more height


Well-Known Member
July 19, 2002
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Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport and AMG 300CE
Is there another way to slightly lift the rear of the Explorers after doing the AAL and warrior shackles? And a SOA would be too much. ??????????????

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- 4 inch trailmaster springs
-take out the AAL and shackes and do the SOA

Do you have double or single AAL? Double is an option.

i HAVE THE SINGLE- wouldn't it effect the ride horribly with 2?

they make diff size AAL...i have seen up to 3". you could also ditch teh sport leaf pack in favor of 4-dr leafs and throw your AAL in that.

I quit the SOA because those bolts to the front of the leaf springs will not come loose/off, and heating it.....its so close to the fuel tank and I'm not a Fire Marshall Bill.

Double the AAL how much of a difference will that make? And whats the difference from the four door height to the 2 door height on the springs?

about 1-2" many people opt for the 4-dr leaf pack instead of AAL but you can do both.

hmmmmmmm. lets see 2 in coil spacers in the front with 3" lift springs, AAL, Warrior shackles, and what the best to fill that combo? I personally like the rear end to sit a little higher than the rear---a sporty look in my head.

for a 1st gen sport, 2" coils with 2" AAL/shackles will probably sit level. if you did the AAL/Shackle with a 4-dr pack, it would be a little higher, or you could use 1.5"
spacers instead of 2" or 3" leafs intead of 2".

Your sig and post contradict. 2" coil spacers or 2" body lift?

If you truly have 5" of lift in the front then definately go SOA in the rear.

if he really does have that up front, doing a SOA will put the rear 3" above the front and look goofy:D besides, we have alredy been over the issuee with his doing a SOA.

No, he'd do the SOA sans WAR or AAL. And doing things right surpasses a frozen bolt.

yes I already have a body lift and haven't done the coil spacers yet, well not until I find a way to lift the rear up as well without SOA

totalling 4 1/2"-5" in the front to 5 1/2"-6 in the rear Well basically I want the rear to sit up higher without the SOA

Then you need to either get double aal or custom springs.

Originally posted by Alec
Then you need to either get double aal or custom springs.

which is kinda what 4-dr leaf pack with AAL is.

the SOA would be overkill for you if you are only doing a 2" SL in the front (coil packs). the BL is another story in and of itself.

However the 4door pack will eventually sag over time just like the 2door. In first gen there is little difference between the 2 and the swap doesn't make nearly the difference as in the second gen. Besides, it's not worth it unless he gets a new or very low mileage 4door pack.

i think double AAL then. Cause with the way the bolts are I can't get that long spring off anyways

ok, so back to the AAL...what ones do you have because i have seen 1.5", 2", and 3". ytou may be able to do it with just the single AAL (in th ebest intrest of ride).

as far as thse 4-dr packs go, they will sag but unless i am mistaken thay aready have 1 more leaf than a 1st gen sport pack. i could be mistaken on that one, havent had the chance to look under either truck lately.

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I got which ever one skyjacker supplys, I bought it at 4wheel parts, they didn't mention or give me a choice of height, so I assumed that was the only size they had
