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Improved PTU for Explorers


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I just saw this, forgive me if it's already been posted:

This patented Dorman OE FIX PTO has been redesigned for greater resilience to thermal extremes, with an added heatshield to reduce internal temperatures, and a drain plug for easier servicing of the gearbox lubricant. It also includes upgraded seals to prevent premature degradation in extreme cold temperatures, providing an all-around more reliable replacement. For vehicle owners, that means you don't have to worry about the same problem again soon. For fleet managers, that means lower maintenance costs and less downtime.

Improved design - this patented, 100-percent newly manufactured PTU has been redesigned to increase durability compared to the factory part on certain Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles

Greater heat resistance - incorporates a heat shield not found on the factory part that reduces heat transfer to the gearbox lubrication by up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent thermal breakdown

Greater cold resistance - seals are made from an improved material to withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit and help prevent future oil leaks

Added serviceability - includes a drain plug to allow for easier routine servicing of the gearbox lubrication compared to the original design, further helping to prevent future failures

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I saw the YouTube video by Dorman on this but the website shows only for N/A 3.5 through 2015. I have a 17' sport so I'm not sure what the difference is between the 2. Would love to know if this is compatible though. At 70k miles I'm about to service mine but idk how much longer it will last with a few mods to my truck?

I saw the YouTube video by Dorman on this but the website shows only for N/A 3.5 through 2015. I have a 17' sport so I'm not sure what the difference is between the 2. Would love to know if this is compatible though. At 70k miles I'm about to service mine but idk how much longer it will last with a few mods to my truck?
Welcome to the Forum Danny. :wave:
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My '18 Platinum with EB did have a drain-plug. I changed the fluid at 55K. It was dark but still had life. Some "whiskers" on the magnetic plug but nothing beyond what I see and hear from others. I ran several cans of brake clean through the unit and compressed air to force out any remaining liquid.

Mine required some panel removal and the passenger Cat to get to the fill-plug. All in all, about 2.5 hours to complete the first time. Next time will not take so long.

Interesting, but I'm wondering, despite Dorman's improvements, if it'll outlast the Motorcraft. Fluid cooking and changing it IS probably 90% of the issue, but that's with the known constant of the OEM part. Sometimes Dorman parts quality is okay but other times, not so much.

Just checked Autozone, and granted it's Autozone, but they want $1188 for it, and yet, shows a Limited Lifetime Warranty which is something that Autozone themselves, sometimes adds onto parts that wouldn't otherwise have that (I saw no mention of warranty period on Dorman's page for it), for a premium price of course. Looks like it can be had elsewhere for closer to $700 - $800.

Also, their heat shield idea is being copied by others, here's one for $600 on Amazon. I've never heard of the brand.

Amazon product ASIN B0B82SND1Q
