Intake or Exhaust? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intake or Exhaust?


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2006
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City, State
Columbus, Oh
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Explorer Sport
Which should I install? An intake or exhaust? If intake, What would you recommend? Im looking at the K&N 77 intake. I have a 02 sport so the exhaust is fairly new and isnt "needed" yet. ..... or should i get a lift? body or suspension? timewise which takes less time and is easier?

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Both work well together (along with a tune/chip), but doing each seperate will give you similar gains if you did the other one first (meaning if you do the exhaust first, you'd probably see the same gains if you did the intake first).


this i know however which would u do first? id love to do both and get the added performance but sadly i only hae enough $$ for one.

Me personally, I did and will continue to do exhaust first. I just like to hear the sound of my X. A body lift will be easier than suspension lift and much cheaper. I have the MAC cold air intake, not sure if they make one for the sport.

jegs didnt know if the magnaflow exhaust would fit my Sport. and the 77 intake didnt show up on their system. However they ordered it and gave me the lowest intake price. Itll be here in a week. Now to find somewhere with the exhaust so i can check fitment

I did exhaust first as well - did the intake but ran into a few problems with the set up (it got wet when it rained, somehow)


Intake and exhaust go hand in hand. Get one then the other even if you don't "need" a new exhuast. OEM exhaust is not geared to performance. Then get custom tuning via SCT. All that other stuff can wait. ;)
