Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon

It blends in with a bigger bundle which goes down the fender well, then trough the frame rail. It looks like it continues along the inside of the frame rail, behind the ABS valve cover and to the ******** gas tank??

One pic is looking up the back side of the fender well, the other is the inside of the frame rail


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Albino the picture helped tremendously.

I found the hidden harness by looking at it, then went outside and sure enough mine was hidden down inside the frame rail. I plugged in the 2-( yes 2 ) connectors, hit the key on and the pump ran. So, I bumped the starter, the engine fired right up and the fan sucked Mark's drop light into the alternator pulley, ripping the wires from it and thus throwing a breaker. I'll fix the light later.:D

Now I need to hook up the maf and intake, see how this puppy runs!

Albino the picture helped tremendously.

I found the hidden harness by looking at it, then went outside and sure enough mine was hidden down inside the frame rail. I plugged in the 2-( yes 2 ) connectors, hit the key on and the pump ran. So, I bumped the starter, the engine fired right up and the fan sucked Mark's drop light into the alternator pulley, ripping the wires from it and thus throwing a breaker. I'll fix the light later.:D

Now I need to hook up the maf and intake, see how this puppy runs!

Got a little excited, eh Jon?????

Now I need to hook up the maf and intake, see how this puppy runs!

tictoc, tictoc.

Hmm must be running and he is out terrorising the neighborhood???

Party time!!!

Now you need seat heaters ;)

Damn it it's snowing here again too :frustrate:frustrate:frustrate

I wouldn't mind but I have to drive to work in it in the morning.

Glad you got that thing running Jon.

Hey congrats JT - and congrats on the snow :)

Nice job Jon! :thumbsup: You'd think you'd motivate me to get to work, but you don't. Could you just come out here and work on my truck for me? :D

Congrats on getting it running, are those powder coated rims already?

NICE NICE NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

so you like Gen I's yet?

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If it wasn't for all you guys helping out, I would have thrown it out-:D

I deeply appreciate it.

Kert, no powder yet. I was just trying to get this thing moving so I could tell what needed worked on. Believe me, there is a honey do list as long as the truck is.

And Danny, yes I needed this bad.

The truck runs awesome. It did throw a check engine light as I pulled it back in, and the "BRAKE" light is illuminated.

The steering wheel is either bent, or is just sitting at a goofy angle-maybe it is just me, but it seems to be " mounted" at an angle--as in the steering column seems to be pointed to the right-idunno.

There is also a "whom whom whom" sound like an out of round tire-bent axle sumthing.
The front is leaking, and I need to replace the steering links-I want the pitman arm link to go to the right knuckle, then a drag link from knuckle to knuckle-
as it is, the steering link is attached to the drag link, and it moves up and down a bit ( drag link rotates) before the steering goes side to side. I do not like that
