LD50 Full-size axle thread `93 Ex | Page 21 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LD50 Full-size axle thread `93 Ex

Good job ld50.

BTW those mountains in the background look amazing.

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Thanks snoboarder, I`ll remember that tip when I design it.

Izwack, BC is pretty mountainous overall, here is mount Hope, seen from my backyard..


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    October 2006 009.JPG
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Thanks guys,
My shocks are RanchoRS9000XL #RS999012

Still waiting on my flares, I`m hoping to slap some insurance on and do an inaugural trip/test this weekend but I don`t want to drive flareless and get an inspection order...

Worked on the front crossmember today, eventually I`ll incorporate a receiver hitch into it, but not today.

As you can see, when I did my 2 inch body lift years ago, I just cut the ends of the frame and moved the cutoff portion up 2 inches; in case you`re wondering ;)


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I did the work up at my workplace, we have a loading ramp, So I flexed out to see how it looks. Not high enough to make a tire finish extending but I think it`s flexing nicely.
The front shock on the forward flex has quite a bit of room. The rear bumpstops are actually useless, unless I lower them -or I could just chuck`em.

These are the forward ramp pics, with shock pics:


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Then I backed up it to see. I magaged to compress the front shock more this time..

These are the rear ramp pics, with front shock pic:


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Does your tire hit the bumper at full stuff. Mine does:)

Nope, but you have bigger tires and your axle is slightly further ahead than mine, so it makes sense.

Looks great man, nice flex!

I think its because I moved the axle forward like 3" and you have a cool custom bumper.

I still can't believe how different it looks in real life, the pictures really don't do it justice. You need to take a picture beside your wifes Ex.


i moved mine about 3" forward and I had to trim alot of the front fender.

Hey people.
Well I wanted to test the Ex out and see what would break, if anything.
So I figured; Why not enter it in a 4x4 obstacle course?
In town they have a 4x4 competition a couple times a year so I donned my Explorerforum T-shirt and entered the competition for 40 bucks and a chance at a cash prize and a trophy. Well I got a trophy, but I didn`t even come in third place, which was a whopping ten dollar purse.
Some of these guys were nuts, the winner in my class drove a Ranger like the devil was on his ass or he was hopped up on speed, can`t decide which. Anyway, he drove that thing like he stole it, hat`s off to ya, whoever you were. Me, I just wanted to pound the bugs out of the Ex and have a memorable time while I was at it. I thought I had third place nailed, but I guess my math wasn`t too good. Anyway, I wouldn`t want to kill my baby for a handful of locals and a tiny purse, right?
A lot of people were telling me my truck was too nice and clean to run it here, saying "don`t wreck it". Overall everyone seemed to really like how the Explorer turned out.
This was quite the adrenaline rush I tell ya.

P.S. I got my flares on.


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can`t remember exactly, but at least 5 trucks got destroyed. The first pick is one of the best jumpers of the day.

The next two are a guy who won a trip to the hospital, with what they tell me was a compressed spine. He hit HARD! When he came down his rear tires hit first and SLAMMED him to the ground, popping a tire and putting him unconscious for a few minutes. While the truck was bouncing, he flopped around like a sick ***** getting slapped by her drug dealer, very scary. He was taken out on a spine board, I hope he is okay.


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Anyway, nothing broke, but I did bend some things I figured might bend eventually. Anyone guess what bent? :p:

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