Looking at some Rancho Shocks.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at some Rancho Shocks..


May 27, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Rapid City, SD
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer XLT
I'm looking at some shocks for my 94 Explorer and I've been looking at Rancho. They have a mail in rebate going where you basically buy 3 get one free. But, I'm not sure which one would be better for me, the RS5000's are about half the price but don't have the adjustability or poly bushings the RS9000XL's do. But the 9000's seem to need the the controller to be fully functional?

I'm planning on doing a 3" lift sometime and would like to get the shocks I'd need now rather than buy new ones.. which is pointing me in the direction of the 9000's..

I'll be using my X mainly for hunting and mayble some towing if need be.

Anyone have any opinions?


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Are their steering stabilizers good too?
I haven't really heard that much about them...

Controler not needed...

The controller is just for remote adjustment. In my op, it's just something else on the rig that can go bad... you can just turn the knob on the bottom of the shock to adjust them. I like the range of sizes that they have for the 9000, if you can't find one to fit, you are probably building something very off the wall. Oh yea, the $100 back is nice too.


  • 9000 adjust.jpg
    9000 adjust.jpg
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When I swaped out the air suspension on my 96 Limited. I went with the Rancho 5000. Seemed to work great.


PLEASE HELP- my problem is potholes, they feel extreme. I have a 98 sport with the rear shackle lift and just torsion bar lift in front I too am thinking on the rancho rs5000 any advice is greatly appreciated, THX-
