Lori's Reaper, The Cobra R Clone (56K Die) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lori's Reaper, The Cobra R Clone (56K Die)


Moderator Emeritus
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Smithville/Austin, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
08' Suzuki SX4
Well I should probably let Lori write this but I'll just go head and get this started.

A couple of years ago I got her 04 GT a Cobra R bumper cover since she fell in love with my buddy's real Cobra R, well after having it on the car for several months, she was on her way to work one day when an 80lbs dog ran out in front of her while she was going 60mph.

Unable to stop, let alone hit the brake before terminally impacting the critter, it completely vaporized the whole front of the car, bumper cover, header panel, head lights, and driver's side inner splash shield.

Devastated, she drove right back home from up the street where she had hit the dog, tears streaming from her eyes, to show me the damage and to make sure it was still ok to drive the car to work.

So I looked it over, and gave her the keys to my Mark VIII to drive to work, I promptly called Latemodel Restoration supply and drove up there to pick up a stock GT front bumper cover, head lamps, and header panel.

Of course this isn't really what she wanted, but it would make it legal to drive on the street again.

Well Lori was very diligent, and saved her pennies, and after saving for almost two years was able to afford the better quality Cervini's Cobra R bumper cover from your friend Karson @ Latemodel Restoration Supply, rather than the cheaper one like what was on there, this also matched her Cervini's Stalker hood she had installed on her GT.

So with the parts gathered up we set out to take her car to the paint guy we have used for years, to make this short, after having the car there for almost two months, and it taken apart he got himself in a bind with bill collectors and called everyone with vehicles at his shop to come pick them up :mad:

Well she called in tears to tell me this, and luckily I just happen to have the Diesel and trailer already hooked up to bring Patches the Turbo Coupe home, so I went there and picked up the car, and most of the parts I could find, and drug it back home and proceeded to take it to another person to have it done, already being out of the monies I had paid to have this done, I had to pay out again for the materials, and labor to have this thing painted.

Just because this story is still not finished, and still goes on forever it seems, I'm just going to throw up the pictures, and we'll carry on from there, needless to say, still months away from when all this started it now resided here at my shop waiting to be finished, there is still more painting that needs to be done, color sanding, and buffing, and then accent painting.

Plus I have an SSBC Big Bite brake kit to put on, and Cobra IRS to install and as it stands it's a wing delete, but very well can see either an 03'-04' Cobra "duck tail" spoiler or an actual 00' R model spoiler, probably the latter of the two, plus 9" and 10.5" black FR500 wheels.

You all have no idea how much stress getting this done has put on us, I'm sure JDraper knows, but I would have done this myself except I haven't laid paint since Emeron was the best **** on the planet, and even then I prefer laying lacquer paint anyways.

The first two pictures are the transformation she's done since she has owned this car since new.

I do want to thank friends and clients that have loaned Lori vehicles since all this has been going on ( Greg and his 04' Red Fire Mustang GT, and Rick's red GT500 convertible ), but Lori still just wants her baby back!!!



























Jeff - :navajo:

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Honestly, you are further along with it than I had imagined. Good to see it coming together. The vision in my head about the state of this car was a pile of parts. Looks good so far. :thumbsup:

Sucks about the paint guy, when I lived in Miami there
was only one shop I would trust with my paint work and ZERO
shop I could trust or even reccomend for repair work.
Its so bad once someone opens a good trustworthy shop they get
so overwhelmed with work they start messing up themselves.

Car looks good , hood is killer , wishthey made something like that for the Xsport.

Sucks about the paint guy, when I lived in Miami there
was only one shop I would trust with my paint work and ZERO
shop I could trust or even reccomend for repair work.

That was our paint guy till he went upside down for some odd reason, just plain sucks, I should be bald over this right now!!!

You do realize that the shop in the last few pictures, where Lori's car is right now, is right around the corner from you on HWY71 in Spicewood.???

BTW Frank, there's a Shelby meet tomorrow at 4pm, in SA, you want to tag-a-long???

Jeff - :navajo:

You do realize Spicewood is over an hour drive from Lago?
I have to drive around entire lake to get there, it about an 80m drive.
I know , during summer I drive out to Full Throttle Marine is Spicewood a few times.
Put map below, I am at the little "A" balloon

I will be DJing wedding at Barr Mansion tommorow but appreciate the invite


  • Franks Place.JPG
    Franks Place.JPG
    63.4 KB · Views: 3,776

Last time I was there it looked low enough to drive across. :D

Yeah, I don't think so. :p:

I have put a lot of time, money, blood, sweat, and tears into this car. Besides the paint work, I have all kinds of performance parts at the house ready to go on as well.

I so want my Reaper back. :(

Yeah, I don't think so. :p:
Well where 71 crosses that one branch in Spicewood it was damn low. But, I do see from the map that that point is not the main lake/river. :p:





Well Lori didn't go for the flat look on the top of the scoops, so glossy it will be!!

Jeff - :navajo:

ugh, color sanding (i just call it wet sanding). there's a job i just hate. seems like it takes for ever, and your always soaked in the end.

i've never seen a flat black mustang before. it actually looked pretty good like that.

ugh, color sanding (i just call it wet sanding). there's a job i just hate. seems like it takes for ever, and your always soaked in the end.

Luckily the shop has a hot water heater, for the shower and sinks so you can make the water nice and hot, but yeah it was in the low 30's last night, we were there till almost 10pm.

Wet sanding, color sanding, yeah I have heard it both ways.

I send pictures over my phone last night to her, of the hood (which was a toss up idea) and she said she didn't like that idea of the scoops being flattened out, and funny so we're looking at it this morning talking about it and she thinks that maybe she should go ahead and do it.

We color sanded it to give the idea of what it should look like, so what do you all think???

Should we paint it satin black, or leave it glossy like it was???

Jeff - :navajo:

I like the satin hood scoop idea. :thumbsup:

To give you a better idea (kids this means use your imagination!!) here is a pic of an 86' GT with the semi flat/satin center section on gloss black paint (on the hood, not the body molding, the molding is called euro grey), and this will be the exact combo for Lori's Pseudo Cobra R, then combine all the brain cell burn imagination with the other picture below, with an actual R model and wahlah, there you have it..................

note: the splitter, fog lamp/brake cooling ducts, the side skirts, in between the tail lamps, and the lower insert on the rear bumper cover, and the side scoops will all be satin black also.





Again kids put on your imagination caps, here it is with the correct wheels, but Loris will be in black not argent like these!





So did you blow-up all your brain cells yet!???!?!



For those who don't know my car's history, here is the lowdown.

I bought Reaper, brand new, from the local Ford Dealer, in November of 2003. He was the first 2004 40th anniversary car they had on the lot. My only requirements were standard, V-8, and black. I say that he was meant to be mine because there he sat just waiting for me to take him home. He had 7 miles on the odometer.

First mods that I did to the car was Eibach Pro-kit lowering springs. Second mod, shortly after, was SLP Loudmouth II catback exhaust. :thumbsup:

After being hit with siding, from a mobile home getting transported, I worked out a deal with the body shop for the repairs and the Stalker hood that they had, already painted. Shortly after this was the Mach I grille delete and Mach I chin spoiler. The car sat like this (as in the first picture in this thread) for about 3 years. I was happy until the mod bug hit again.

As Jeff said, we found the Cobra R bumper, here in Bastrop, for sale for $40 and already painted black!!! Deal we couldn't refuse. I ordered my fog lights and was getting ready to start working on the car again....until the dog. Yes, I feel bad about the dog, but then again, I have been out a lot of money and heartache. There were no tags on the dog or I would've been after the owner for all of this. Anyhoo, what Jeff did forgot is that I actually went to driving his Mark VIII for awhile until we got the stock GT bumper on it. It was primer black and I didn't paint it because it was temporary.

It was 2 years, in October, since the dog hit me. I have saved diligently and bided my time until this moment. Other performance parts that I have picked up the last two years are ACCELL coil packs, brake cooling ducts, KYB 10-way adjustable shocks, upgraded Cobra clutch, and my fog lights are still sitting waiting to go in. Jeff has picked me up an IRS and new SLP Loudmouth II to go with the IRS along with the wheels and tires will be the next big purchases for the car.

And just to let you know, this is no weekend driver or trailer queen. This car is my daily driver and I love to drive him. He now has over 175k miles on him and he is my pride and joy! I can't wait to get him back....

flat on the scoops. also, i would say flat on the wing as well. just my .02 (well i guess when you convert it into canadian funds it would be .0195)

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Bah! Da heck with da hood scoops...I hear a Shaker hood whispering your name Lori.....:D

This..with the Cobra R splitter and without the trophy (Reaper will earn enough on his own)

