Main Divide Rd O.C. November | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Main Divide Rd O.C. November


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...I try to get a quick run in locally during the Summer but the road has been closed even to foot traffic at Silverado for a while now and will not open till after October 1st according to the Ranger Station.

.. This is always a fun 3/4 day trip with us eating our packed lunches and discussing our trucks at the end of it. It is an easy trail with big hill climbs on various dirt, rock, and powder road. Your vehicle will get dirty and you need to bring everything you need to support you and your passenger's. There are no potty's before, during, or at the end of this trail :)

..All newbies welcome as this can be run with just about any Explorer and or Ranger even with 2wd, and it's a fun little local run starting in Silverado Cyn. and ending on top of Ortega Hwy.

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Sounds fun and really close to here too!

Holy Jim cyn. is on fire :(

My old stompin' grounds! Silverado Canyon, Santiago Canyon, El Toro Road.. Is Cook's Corner still there?

...Yes it is..:)

Sorry been away past couple weeks guys. So any idea when they might re-open the area?

Have to wait till after Oct 1st and they will make a decision on the affects of the burn area. If it even sprinkles up there they will close it down. :(

uggg...ok. Keep me posted bro. Would love to go on a local day trip with some of the folks from here.

any news?

Yep...They just opened after doing road work and it rained this week. They closed it and some fools when in and got stuck so the Rangers had to recover them. It is closed with pending rains and it is drizzling now. Should be good to go in 2 weeks like on Veterans day weekend. ;)

Yep...They just opened after doing road work and it rained this week. They closed it and some fools when in and got stuck so the Rangers had to recover them. It is closed with pending rains and it is drizzling now. Should be good to go in 2 weeks like on Veterans day weekend. ;)

is there anything you actually can use 4wd on? Or is it dirt road trail

Dirt road trail. They fenced off all the fun stuff as to many people were rolling or driving off cliffs...they still drive off cliffs though.

You should run out to the Hammers in johnson valley. Open all the time day or night.

the hammers. No thanks

This run is more for the little dogs with daily drivers or those who just want to get out and see some awesome local scenery from their windshield :)

I'm in whenever you guys wanna do this.

Also up for the hammers (not that I can make most of the hard obstacles in my rig lol).

Mines still sittin in driveway since I started workin from home, needs a lil work but could make a dirt road trail :)
and little dogs, does that mean I can take Scrappy with me? hehehe

How about this Saturday or Sunday?

I will have to check like Friday to see if they have opened it up from this rain.

The following week I am busy on the 17th but the 18th could work too.

Checked with Rangers and they asked me to contact them Friday to see if this open to drive

Let me know by Thurs if you are interested, Thanks
