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Moab 2016

Picking up the trailer tomorrow from Zukman. Then going to go load JP for a test run, as the first time towing with the camper and extention. Need to make sure everything is kosher. ;) Plan is to leave Wednesday night now.

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Check in for canyonlands isn't until 12:30 Wednesday. Doesn't look like we will be able to hit any trails until late wednesday afternoon, after we set camp.

I camped at Canyonlands and was on the trail that same day after arriving around 3:30. We did Hell's Revenge. Sand Flats Rec Area is like 15 minutes from the campground. And that was back in late March. Now it's lighter later, you'll have plenty of time.

I camped at Canyonlands and was on the trail that same day after arriving around 3:30. We did Hell's Revenge. Sand Flats Rec Area is like 15 minutes from the campground. And that was back in late March. Now it's lighter later, you'll have plenty of time.

I hear ya. Just stinks we have to waste half a day waiting to set camp and unload & shuffle items from the rigs before we can head out. I might ask Canyonlands if we can drop trailer in the lot and spend the morning doing in-town tourist type stuff for a few hours.

Never had a problem. We had our Yellow Lab in Yosimite and Death Valley National Park. No issues, but I have a funny story about that I'll tell you later. Regardless my Yellow Lab is coming with me. ;)

They may have other rules, but I guess Arches and Canyonlands National parks, they aren't allowed....


If you have any ideas/suggestions, I'm all ears!

I watched a guy get a ticket in arches couple years ago

I made it to Bloomfield NM. Going to take it easy tonight. Just order a pizza. So far trip not bad,did have to stop and pack some grease into the rear axle on my trailer. It was getting a little warm-- hell it was damn hot. Still warm when I stop,will pack some more in the am when they are cold.

I made it to Bloomfield NM. Going to take it easy tonight. Just order a pizza. So far trip not bad,did have to stop and pack some grease into the rear axle on my trailer. It was getting a little warm-- hell it was damn hot. Still warm when I stop,will pack some more in the am when they are cold.

Glad to hear the drive is going well buddy! We will be right there behind yea in a week!!!

Here is a teaser pic of the mystery rig set to be unveiled in less than a week!!! We sure are getting excited!!!


They may have other rules, but I guess Arches and Canyonlands National parks, they aren't allowed....


If you have any ideas/suggestions, I'm all ears!

Play dumb :D

Worst case she stays in the camper for the day.

Also not all the trails are in the park I don't think. Not sure, 1st time for me.

Clyde just got his shots so he can stay at the K-9 Korral. He's looking forward to his vacation ;)

We are about to crash at the super 8 in Canon City, we'll prolly run over the Royal Gorge bridge then head in. Be there in the afternoon sometime.

Well one trailer tire down, but other than that made it to Phil's. We'll stop in a couple hundred miles tomorrow and get another.

Worst case she stays in the camper for the day.

Also not all the trails are in the park I don't think. Not sure, 1st time for me.

No, not all of the trails, but there will be some we want to hit I'm sure...I could leave him in our camper, but, who am I kidding, we've got a tent! :D

[MENTION=71]Rick[/MENTION], do you have information for K9 Korral? I just seem to find links to the Vet clinic and Karen's Canine Campground...Karen's is automatically out because Jack would have to be neutered...not happening......

Worst comes to worse, we'll either take him to the vet and buck up the money for all the extra shots, or we'll end up leaving him home with my parents and sister to look after him...

EDIT: After a little more research and reading, according to the FunTreks Guide to Moab, only about 8 trails out of the 55 they list do not allow dogs, and all are in Canyonlands Park. From what I can tell, there is only one trail in Arches, but I can't find anything about pets there, and Sand Flats Recreation Area allows them (Fins N Things, Hells Revenge, Porcupine).....

Jack will be with us! :D

I made it to Bloomfield NM. Going to take it easy tonight. Just order a pizza. So far trip not bad,did have to stop and pack some grease into the rear axle on my trailer. It was getting a little warm-- hell it was damn hot. Still warm when I stop,will pack some more in the am when they are cold.

Glad to hear! When I didn't hear back from you after you was in Bentillo (sp), I figured it was looking up.

The K9 Korral is in Wickenburg I should have mentioned that...

As clean as it gets ;)


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Just shot this today:


Ugh:banghead: Picked up the trailer, but there is a short in the running lights. Keeps blowing the truck fuse. Faster to just rewire the whole thing then play find the short.

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