my 03 xlt on 31x13.50x15 check it out tell me whatcha think | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my 03 xlt on 31x13.50x15 check it out tell me whatcha think

Ok sry man new at this stuff lol but thx and I will definately be getting with him :D

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Another ? U think I would be ok without the arms? With the spacers and body lift or does it wear ur ball joints out quick?

Another ? U think I would be ok without the arms? With the spacers and body lift or does it wear ur ball joints out quick?

I ran the body and spacer lift on my white lifted 03 with the stock arms and ball joints just fine....but they were stressed for sure. The BL has nothing to do with your arms or ball joints, it doesn't affect the suspension components. Back when I did my lift, there were no other options for control arms...and still there are many members running with the stock arms just fine. The BTF arms just give you a "safe" option.

It is however a good time to replace your upper ball joints if you are installing your lift. Very easy to do, I have a sticky in the Stock 02-05 forum on how to change your upper ball joints:

If yours are worn out like mine were in those pics, it's time to put in some new ones. I would suggest it if you're raising the suspension, as you will be putting unintended stress on those joints....might as well put new equipment in there.

Yea mine are worn also fixing to replace them thx man I guess I'll save the 550 and keep the stock arms

I'm back what size spacers were u running front/rear ??

I was using 2.25" front and 1.75" rear with my Road Bully spacer lift. This was during the time when he was still making 3" spacers for people, but that caused a LOT of headaches and mechanical failures for members running that large, namely with the CV axles and suspension components as well as driveshaft clearance.

You will be safe with a 2.25"/1.75" lift which is as large as BTF produces for safety reasons. He will make it smaller in 1/4" increments for your application however if you want to go smaller. Remember, if you add a 3" body lift in there you're talking over 5" of lift, not including the additional height of larger tires. So with my 33's and my overall lift on my first truck, I was over 8" taller than stock....

buying spacers

i found some spacers on here same size u said how safe is it to buy items off here???:)

Yea you should be fine, just keep a eye on those upper joints. I only had the 1.75" spacer on mine, the only trouble I had was the boots busting on my ball joints. I wheel mine pretty hard so that was probably why that kept happening to me.

I appreciate it guys I hope I don't get scammed lol I really wanna lift it gotta barrow the money to get em if I get scammed she won't be gettin lifted lol
