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My 92X and $8K

Coonash said:
1. no more than 4 inches of lift(daily vehicle)

Consider 5" to 6" of lift and 33 x 12.50's on 15x 8's. In my opinion, this looks a lot better than 32's. I have, for some reason, never liked 32's and 4" of lift, doesn't look right to me.

You can always buy one of those fold-down step bars so it's easy to get into the truck...

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Rhett said:
There are other options, like the GM 700r4 transmission, but in my opin it's throwing money at it.

OK I've tried to search for a link about this swap but I can't find one. I really need to go to an auto. I have bad knees. This sounds like a simple solution.

I decided I really don't need the V8 as my wifes Jeep G.C. has one and it's a 4x4 also. I saw where someone bought a new motor for there x but it wasn't a from ford. I might be interested in that. I'm interested in finding a 4" suspension lift(thats not junk) or SOA. I need to rebuild the front end anyway. I will keep the auto 4x4.still havn't fixed it yet. Hopefully in the next couple of months I'll start. I'm just rambling now.

Thanks for all the input. If y'all know of anything for sale that could help with my project let me know.

Coonash said:
OK I've tried to search for a link about this swap but I can't find one. I really need to go to an auto. I have bad knees. This sounds like a simple solution.

Here is the link for the 700R4 swap. Jefe did it in his '00.

4" lift, either Trail Master, Sky Jacker, Rough Country or I think James Duff has a 4" lift as well.

93liftedXLT said:
Your right there is, but if you have the Knowledge and the know how, and doing your own work, you will save alot more money.
This is very true. Jamie (410Fortune) is IMO one of the most knowledgable guys about the 5.0 swap. He has done engine swaps a couple of times in his Bronco II as well as other people's trucks. He did the wiring harness himself I believe and didn't really spend a bunch of money on modding the engine yet. I believe that I read that he spent over 4 grand to get it into the Bronco II. He did most if not all of the work himself. He did the job right and it still cost him a good chunk of change.

So whether you do it yourself or not, you aren't going to get out of doing an engine swap, lift, tires, wheels, etc. for under $4000 and still do it right.

Coonash said:
I decided I really don't need the V8 as my wifes Jeep G.C. has one and it's a 4x4 also. I saw where someone bought a new motor for there x but it wasn't a from ford. I might be interested in that. I'm interested in finding a 4" suspension lift(thats not junk) or SOA. I need to rebuild the front end anyway. I will keep the auto 4x4.still havn't fixed it yet.

If you decide *not* to go to a V8, there are other options:
1) Jasper 4.0 (I think they still make them?)
2) rebuild your 4.0,
3) put a small DIESEL in your truck. (I'd really like to see that, pretty neat)

As far as the transmission goes, if you are keeping a V6 and must have an automatic it makes it less rosy of a picture, but not too bad since you say you will be doing mostly "normal" driving with it. You might consider the 700r4, or an A4LD rebuilt to 93-94 specs--in my opinion they will be durable enough for you if you do normal driving (any heavy towing up grades, big gears and tires, will shorten its life). Put an extra transmission cooler on there, that will help a lot.

If you swap a diesel in there then you can use the diesel transmission and computer, and I bet you'd get 30+ mpg, whether you drove 15 mph or 70 mph!

the 700r4 would probaby be a reliable upgrade.

:usa: Well, just to give everyone who gave me some input an update. The wifes jeep GC just turned 100K and I had to sink more money than I care to think about in it. Really, it would make you sick. But I havn't given up yet. For what she pays a month for gas(and now upkeep) I'll trade that jeep in and get her a car. Then save money up again. for my poor X.

Really do appreciate the help
