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My Remote tuning Thread

First I want to say I too was one of the people who negelected to budget for tuning in my build. I was convinced I could take care of this myself.

All was going pretty well until I burned a piston.
My financial status also took a dive right as I finished with the original build, so this was a huge blow.
Here we are 3 years later and I finally have the issue resolved. This truck is running so good, and I know I can beat on it and it will take it.
Thanks James-you made this fun again!!

Now you all know me by now-I don't do anything very quickly. In fact, every one of you here can do anything better, and faster than I , if you stop to think about it.

On with the show-

I swapped out all of my original maf stuff for a Lightning Maf sensor, which required I make a new intake tube. Once I had this all figured out, James sent me a tune file and the truck fired right up!
If you aren't familiar with the combination, you can click the "my truck" link in my sig.

basically -the only thing stock under my hood is the timing cover, water pump, and oil pan.
The camshaft has a fairly aggressive grind profile. Not to mention This engine is 5.6 liters instead of 5.0. This alone will give a stock PCM fits-

James had to have pulled this original tune right from his head. We both expected the truck to run like crap but it actually ran very well.

After a few drive ability tunes-it was time for the WOT part to begin. I attempted to install my innovative wide band o2 sensor, but somehow it got messed up. While I waited for the replacement, James was more than happy to play around with the surging issue I was experiencing.

The wide band arrived, and while it was a hassle to install, the information it gives is more than worth it.

Now it gets fun (for the tuner--nerve racking for me)

You must have full , complete trust in the person you are working with for this step. There is no room for wimping out, as if you let up, or don't get a good pull, you need to do it all over again.

I was able to get a good "high load" pull by starting from a dead stop, in 2nd gear.
You must floor it, no easing in, --
Hold it mashed to the floor until it hits the rev limiter James has set in for you based on the information you have provided. In my case this was 6000 RPM's

So, 2nd gear, dead stop-
start the sct live link logging software.
Once the screen comes up-nail it and hang on. all the way up to 85 MPH.

Then stop the log, head home and send an email to James.
After he looks it over, and does a bit of his magic, he sends back another tune file.

The old tune files are deleted, the new one is flashed into the pcm, and another pull is run.
I started to send him logs of launches from 1st gear also. I noticed the transmission shifting way too early. I mentioned this and the next tune not only had the a/f corrections for the next wot pull, but the shift points were raised to 5500 RPM's ( as indicated by the factory tach)
I then mentioned the Truck not hooking well,
After only 8 successful pulls ( total), James handed me the keys to the final tune file today.

Yes it was windy-but I think you get the idea.

All in all I must say-I am very pleased with James' service. He truly knows his stuff.
This has been the most rewarding part of the whole modding experience -
I know my truck runs great-and, I know it is going to stay together.

This is meant to be a discussion thread. If you want to see screen shots, or , if you have the sct live link software and would like to see a few logs-let me know. I think James is going to poke his head in here to show what he did. I didn't ask much. I was too busy following instructions:D

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So now that you've got all the kinks worked out when are we going to see some numbers from the track?

Jon, I know you have an aversion to the dyno, but it would sure be nice to see the data from one.

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Jon, I know you have an aversion to the dyno, but it would sure be nice to see the data from one.

Don't think for a minute you, and the dyno are noit in my mind daily.

I wasn't going to say anything yet, but I do have something in the works now.

I need to get out and make another stock test run before altering my truck. I can't remember how slow my truck was with the first 18" tires, it was not memorable.

Yes Jon, you have a track nearby, go see if it's stickier there.

Why not make some acceleration videos in 4wd? Just shift back into 2wd before you reach the top of 1st gear.

I didn't think you could shift to 2wd while accelerating.

That is what all of the diesel guys do. Ever wonder how those 7000lb+ trucks can launch under full boost on all terrain tires? :)


from the instructions:

Switching Ranges:
2H - 4H: Vehicle can be moving but must be traveling less than 45-60mph. While putting along, under light to moderate throttle shift from 2H - 4H.

4H - 4L: Stop the vehicle. You CANNOT Shift on the FLY from 4H to 4L. Place transmission in Neutral (maybe even Park if you’re having grindage). Wait 10 seconds. Place TC in 4L. Place transmission in gear. You’re now good to go.

4L - 4H: Stop the vehicle. You CANNOT Shift on the FLY from 4L to 4H. Place transmission in Neutral (maybe even Park if you’re having grindage). Wait 10 seconds. Place TC in Neutral. Wait 10 seconds. Pace TC in 4H. Place transmission in gear. You’re now good to go.

4H - 2H: Vehicle can be moving but must be traveling less than 45-60mph. While putting along, under light to moderate throttle shift from 4H - 2L.

2H - 4L: Bad.. Don’t do this..

4L - 2H: Bad.. Don’t do this..

I wouldn't be shifting, only having to steer would worry me. If you can keep the front wheels straight in line with the body 4WD will not hurt anything.

good news and bad news-

The good news is 4wd launches so hard it caused bad news-

There is no way I can video it without a mount. I have to hang on-
not only that-
I had to move my seat forward-the launch was pulling my foot off the gas-:D

I'm going to figure out a duct tape redneck mount for this--

Well it is progress. Is it easily drivable, does the steering feel free? I think that the TC mechanical locking of the front shaft is strong enough. Are you looking for an AODE planetary gearset yet?

Jon, did you ever get that beast to the dyno or track?

Jon, did you ever get that beast to the dyno or track?
I want to so bad-believe me.
I hate to sound like I'm making excuses,

My suspension and drivetrain need work. Since I cannot physically be chasing this whir whir noise I am hearing ( others don't hear it but believe me it is there) and a rear axle clink, I want all new parts to powdercoat and throw on. That way one weekend of hell will surely make it handle as sure footed as when we got it.
I suspect a rear wheel (axle) bearing, and since I have a clink back there the logical thing is to find a good 373 limited slip rear-purty it up and mix it in the mess. I have a decent front secured.
With the noise I hear I am nervous about the drive to either the track or to the dyno. But I am working on it.

hey jon i want u to coem to cali and do a burnout on my sport before i sell it hahaha

hey jon i want u to coem to cali and do a burnout on my sport before i sell it hahaha

Oh, that would be schweet. I could take it for a little spin with the wife-

oh, better not. She'd want me to leave mine and buy yours because it's all nice and pimpin'. I'd end up leaving her with you.She'd say " un uh, I aint getting back into that thing, I like the gold one.
I'm afraid your GF wouldn't like it.


Why u sellin ur ex Sam?

Sheri and I just took the Mounty for a ride-I've been driving it around quite a bit. I can't believe how well it runs. I mean just putting around, it drives like a stock truck. Put it in D and just drive it-
I had a terrible surging going on when slowing from highway speeds-so bad it sometimes would kill the engine. This made Sheri afraid to drive it. Imagine loosing all accessory power while rounding a curve.

James figured it out. :thumbsup: After about a month without opening the hood other than to check the oil and show it off, I can say it is fixed.

It seems when you let off the gas-the injectors turn off-
However, with a camshaft-it gets so lean the o2 sensors trigger a short fuel burst-so it would try to rev while slowing.At least this is my understanding. I might have the actual terminology wrong-

He adjusted the fuel injector pulse width during this mode and eliminated the surging. It took 3 tries-but he'd move the speed at which it occurred up each time.

I mean this thing drives great-it will lug from 30 mph without down shifting. There is no cam lag at all, and it pulls 16in vacuum at 900 rpm idle.

Oh yeah,
James was also able to give me a very smooth, yet galloping idle. :thumbsup:

Where it used to be a " potato potato potato" sound, now it's more like "plump plump plump plump":)

I'm going to completely rebuild the lower side now. I'm giving her a new front and rear axle-( thanks to a deal from techieman33) new axle shafts,new hubs,Ball joints,control arm bushings,swaybar bushings,tie rods,trans mount-shocks.
while it is apart I am going to powdercoat the brakes, control arms and spindles for sure-I'll also do everything else I can get replacment bushings for.

I need new leaf spring bushings for the frame, and I still need to acquire new torsion bars, keys and pads.
Then I'm ready to drive to the track.

But my main goal is Ouray this Fall.

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Great, that sounds a lot like what I'm planning for, my front suspension and diff. are done now. Are you thinking of rear axles, I've got a spare rear 3.73 that I'm about to go through. I'll measure the axles and call Reider Racing to see what they have for axles. I need to find a way to rebuild my front hubs, to keep my special ARP studs. Regards,


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