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Never Ever Buying Ford Again

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I'd still fire the mechanic, and driver, but not the car maker.

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I think the general concensus here is the original poster is short a chromosome for

a) not checking his guages.

b) driving an SUV at over 100mph.

c) arguing on the internet and trying to defend his actions (or lack there of) to people 10000 miles away.

d) calling a thermostat a "valve" when anyone worth their salt knows it's called a thermostat.

e) getting on an enthusiest forum and bashing what the enthusiests are enthused about.

this is turning into a dead horse thread.

Wait a minute, 160 KPH = 100 MPH. How long were you running at that speed?

Off the top of my head with say 3.73 gearing, wouldn't that put it around 3k on the tach? Great way to treat your engine.

Oh, and don't think for a second that Hondas, BMWs, Toyotas, Volvos, Audis, or Nissans are immune to thermostat failures. After 10 years, anything can happen.

Well said my friends Honda accord brakes down just as much as my Explorer, if not more often and worse.

3k on the tach is nothing... redline is 6 grand on the SOHC motors.

Ah well....aren't i the jealous one.

Well thats kind of a suck fest huh! Ha i think i have you beat though i bought mine 3 mounths ago and have already replaced both heads, all the sterio wireing (factory amp bypass)bought new tires and well its leaking from the intake manifold now so back to the mechanic it gose o well Happy trails
James T

That could be the same truck, what do you know about its history?

Is a failsafe valve too much to ask ?

It's a truck, not the space shuttle. If you want a failsafe, carry some tools and spare parts in the back.

Now if they made it a monocoque

If you want a unibody "make a shell and stick some wheels on", there are half a dozen car companies that can give you an overgrown car that is styled like a truck and rides like a schoolbus.

Isn't it like $8 for a fail safe Thermostat you know one that fails in the open position?????

Probably should have considered this if you want to abuse a vehicle :p

Isn't it like $8 for a fail safe Thermostat you know one that fails in the open position?????

Probably should have considered this if you want to abuse a vehicle :p

Actually they are a few dollars more at O'Reilly's, and for my SOHC it was near $27 total last year. The replacement was over $35, they gave me the old price, and both were special ordered for this engine. They stock those for more common applications.

Rpm's a 3k is not that bad. I do 3k to do 75. I do it every day to get down the hwy.

Well this is a dead horse thread the more we talk about it the more he will get defensive and the post will go on and on.......

Whats more common than an explorer I see more of those on the road than anything and yet noone stocks any parts for them ha ha


Ok, im sorry if im mutalating this horse, but seriously. Any car, truck, van, SUV, etc would have **** the bucket as well. Those parts fail on any car anytime. Like a poster before said, other cars break down just as much. My buddy has a jeep and something in the fuel system gave out choking the motor at start up, 1000000 miles. his rear end is My buddy had a jimmy with 76000 miles on it and for no reason it threw a rod through the side of the block. It is YOUR fault the truck is broken and needs a new motor. The SOHC is a tought ass motor, and takes alot of crap before it gives in. trust me, i owned one for a year and drove it tought, and it never complained. yea it needed an alternader (sp) and an IAC and ball joints, but again, these parts arent built to last forever. Like any computer, or light bulb or pair of shoes, they wear out over time. and if you dont keep on the maintnence, stuff goes boom. Now idk what other repairs youve done in the past, but shelling out 5k in repairs in one year really says something about you IQ. IMHO, you should learn how to fix things yourself and save you money.. Maby youll learn that other ppl arent as onest as you may hope!

and about the 3k at 100, that sounds about right, but thats not bad, my 5.0 at about 75 (interstate speed limit in NE) im at about 2500!!

Well this is a dead horse thread the more we talk about it the more he will get defensive and the post will go on and on.......

You're right. Just like every other thread like this.

I submitted it to and I think it has a chance at a top 5 finish.

Rpm's a 3k is not that bad. I do 3k to do 75. I do it every day to get down the hwy.

I know its not horrible, i just personally don't think its that smart of an idea. I just don't believe in that kind of treatment on a truck.

People, please, Do Not Feed the Troll.

Time for this one to die....G'night Folks:)

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