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New to forum, Need help with 2000 Explorer Rear Rotor Removal!


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April 3, 2009
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Henderson, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer
Does anyone have pictures and/or instructions on how to remove the rear rotors of a 2000 Ford Explorer 4DOOR?! Any immediate help would be greatly appreciated THANK YOU!!!!!

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Is it stuck or something?

Is it just sitting on there or are there bolts or anything holding it on? I haven't started yet but I'm trying to figure out how to do it and if there's anything I need to remove or if i just hit it straight off after removing the calipers? thanks!

Is it just sitting on there or are there bolts or anything holding it on? I haven't started yet but I'm trying to figure out how to do it and if there's anything I need to remove or if i just hit it straight off after removing the calipers? thanks!

Probably locking rust isn't a problem in NV, but you may have the ebrake shoes hung up on the rotor. If that is the case look at the back of the backing plate, under the axle. There is a slot there where you can remove a rubber stopper, shine a flashlight and turn a starwheel to retract the ebrake shoes.

hah make sure the ebrake is off?sometimes people forget that!!! IE me!!

not too familiar with what a starwheel is, any help or pictures?! Thanks!

can you spin the rotor at all?

yes thank you very much for the help! its appreciated :)

how many turns do you recommend to turn the starwheel? and up or down?

Probably locking rust isn't a problem in NV, but you may have the ebrake shoes hung up on the rotor. If that is the case look at the back of the backing plate, under the axle. There is a slot there where you can remove a rubber stopper, shine a flashlight and turn a starwheel to retract the ebrake shoes.

how many turns do you recommend to turn the starwheel? and up or down?

if you can spin the rotors easily by hand then its just stuck on the spindle,you can normally hear the ebrake pads rubing on the rotor,I would still turn it but I can't remember witch way,put some pb blaster around the studs and let it soak then torch around the studs and beat it with a bfh!!
Posted via Mobile Device

if you can spin the rotors easily by hand then its just stuck on the spindle,you can normally hear the ebrake pads rubing on the rotor,I would still turn it but I can't remember witch way,put some pb blaster around the studs and let it soak then torch around the studs and beat it with a bfh!!
Posted via Mobile Device

thank you very much bro, i really appreciate your help! youre awesome ;)

spin the star "up" to loosen the e brake-

The shoes may have worn the inner drum surface, causing a lip which would hang up on the shoes. Try loosening them about 4 complete turns

Did the installation today, everything went surprisingly well and very smoothly thanks for all the help guys!!!
