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Next naches trip?

After talking with several of you, it seems that this would not be a very good weekend for the run over to Naches.
So lets postpone the trip untill a better weekend comes along which is open for suggestions

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I suggest the weekend of July 30th for the Naches run :^)

Next best for me would be Aug 20-21-22 I have tenatitive plans every weekend until then.

But don't put off your run for me.

I am with Phil on this one. That would be a much better time frame for me. The good news though is the camper is fixed and ready for use :)

I was rushing to get my dubler done but I guess I'll have a little more time now? I'll just keep trashing my rig on local stuff untill we all have free time to hit the rocks again. Pick a date and I'll try to make it work, I hate to miss any camping/wheelin trips.

So, what the heck, is this going to happen? I can't hang with you BIG tired/locked both ends rigs but know the area well and there is TONS of trails/wheelin'/explorin' to be done out there and can hold my own on many of the trails. So, is this going to happen?? :feedback:

I almost have my transfer case doubler finished and I will try to make a test run to the rocks asap! I just finished my shifters today after work...

I e-mailed Phil....

I can't make it. We are going to Hot August Nights starting this next weekend.


I don't know of the Explorer could handle another trip....more mods needed before we try again.


I e-mailed Phil....

I can't make it. We are going to Hot August Nights starting this next weekend.


I don't know of the Explorer could handle another trip....more mods needed before we try again.


We'll be in 2 groups, Super Dogs and then the rest of the pack.

I plan on running the Naches trail again (minus the lower Naches on the West side!) and the Powerline trail to Ravens Roost (rated 'more difficult', not 'most difficult'). It shoud be about the same as Naches trail.

Other than that, might hang around with bicycles near camp.

It is looking better for me for that weekend now

It is looking better for me for that weekend now


Boss approved Friday the 20th off.

I'll start pestering some other folks and see if we can get some new blood spilt. :D

I should have mine going by then, Im in.

new blood for the n-west?? that (along w/ the potential air time!! )definately is up my alley! im in priest lake, id... where you all centered at? (replacing old15mm w/ "new" 17mm knucks n related wallet raping accessories)..hopefully i can finger a way to rig some affordable(free?) SBdisconnectors f/r also. so how worthy y'all think my rig 'd be on your trails? would i at least be able to catch an occaisional glimpse of taillight now n again???


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I think it would do better with some rear wheels :D

i should be good for that weekend started a new job last monday, ought to be up and running by then:chug:

I think it would do better with some rear wheels :D
yeah i know! my neighbor said the same thing!i just told her that i was getting ready to fit it with wing and engine prototype as it seems to have made it through its test flight. i would also like to be considered for membership into the roll-over posse,as last october 17, about 3:30am on my way home from work(3rd week 0f 80+ hrs. a week!) i fell asleep bout mile b4 my house. i crossed overthe road, into the ditch, and climbed sidehill untill i hit a mis planted tamarack, which my LF tire climbed up the side of before separating from the rest of my rig,resulting in my flopping onto the passenger side and sliding down into the ditch, bending unknown (at the time) parts to make the RR tire point out at an obscene angle. as i had just the day before, switched from safeco to geico i was worried that i possibly might have a gap in my policies...alas, my geico policy had been in effect for a whopping 9 hours!!! i was able to hear the disgusat in the reps voice over the phone when i got home to call.!! but YES!!to geico's credit, they paid off! then i bought ol' Blue. same every thing except the color, which on my way TO work here a couple months ago i fell asleep and launched off a driveway embankment... (no call to geico this time!!)

I dont think your insurance would buy the sleep thing the second time around, just tell them a shoping kart hit it in a parking lot... a real big shoping kart... alot of times...

Cant wait to get back over there again, looks like the snow is almost gone.

Hey Joe, I told your boss to give you the time off! Sounds like your audit wont get in the way for that weekend.

I wish I was heading out with you guys, maybe next year my junk will be done!

new blood for the n-west?? that (along w/ the potential air time!! )definately is up my alley! im in priest lake, id... where you all centered at? (replacing old15mm w/ "new" 17mm knucks n related wallet raping accessories)..hopefully i can finger a way to rig some affordable(free?) SBdisconnectors f/r also. so how worthy y'all think my rig 'd be on your trails? would i at least be able to catch an occaisional glimpse of taillight now n again???

Let me know when you're ready to go solid axles, I'll lend a hand. Theres a 79 F150 with HP44 at Pull n Save right now, $90 I think. ;)

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Hey Joe, I told your boss to give you the time off! Sounds like your audit wont get in the way for that weekend.

The audit is next week, So the last thing to get in the way is inventory if the whole shop is not working production for 2 days the plant manager may make it a mandatory work day Saturday. I will talk to him today and see what he is going to do
