Please Drop Keys | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please Drop Keys

They actually used to have these keys cast overseas but then decided to move them in house. That time period took about 4-5 months some people were waiting on them.

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if that was my case id probably just not consider lowering my explorer or go another route of doing it waiting half a year for something is just dumb on the sellers part.

if that was my case id probably just not consider lowering my explorer or go another route of doing it waiting half a year for something is just dumb on the sellers part.

it should only take a couple weeks now that the keys are made local

I called today to check on my order and got the same story I was told last week

this company blows too bad they are the only ones with these keys

finally got my order in today

keys look like **** definitely not "CNC" quality

they look like a cutting torch job and they were pretty rusty like they have been sitting for awhile as well(but function over form)

blocks no complaint there

then I ordered a t-shirt a red xxl to be exact they sent me a white xl
but now I wouldnt wear it since i don't want to give this company any form of an advertisement.

I am currently trying to get my refund on the shirt (27$ which is way too much IMO but I was purchasing heavier things figured the shirt would be a big deal to ship w/ the rest but nope 8$ shipping fee)

This company has had a bad reputation for years. Both in quality of parts and customer service.

I had seen them online before this thread im going to guess that i shouldn't buy from them.... maybe i will just find another set of keys and flip them to finish my drop

if you use them plan to wait 1 month for your order thats all

i finally got mine done





Wow that is quite low

3 inch drop or 2?

3inch rear and idk how low in the front lol

no binding of sorts unless im completely loaded up (5 passenger all over 200lbs lol)

thats what im doing lol 3 inch in rear and no clue up front lol just lever with rear (front frame behind front tires rear frame in front or rear tire to ground)

So other then waiting for the keys for a long time are they worth it?

yeah but they are a ****ty company to say the least

yeah i think I'll wait until i get another passenger side control arm then I'll worry about getting em

Try Total Performance, I bought my keys from them for about $95 two years ago.


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Seeing all those uninstalled parts gets me excited

I'm guessing you bought the Ranger keys from them?

So how do these keys differ from flipping the stock keys? I have removed the torsion adjuster bolts completely and now the front suspension is too soft. I want to keep the truck low but increase the 'tension' on the torsion bar.

i have the bolts out all the way as well and noticed no difference in ride quality. these key differ from stock by the way the hole is cut/pressed out if you go to the web site and look you can see the difference thats if you know what the stock one looks like when i get to my computer i will post some pics of the difference.

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cant really tell until you look at them closely

heres a pic to clarify how different the hex shaped holes are.
