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Project Bailed-Out

I look forward to seeing it come together.

Me too :D

According to Gman, the 94s are the best year explorer because they came with all the bells and whistles and (like the heater control valve) a bunch of new stuff. It going to be a little bit of a learning experience because i have owned a 92 4-door and my 93 sport but never a 94 so we will see what happens!

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93 is better then 94 LOL
No EGR and no cam synchro! But 94 is pretty good too.... Looking forward to seeing this truck get the attention it deserves! I feel so bad for the PO!!

93 is better then 94 LOL
No EGR and no cam synchro! But 94 is pretty good too.... Looking forward to seeing this truck get the attention it deserves! I feel so bad for the PO!!

The 94s have cam synchro!!?? Damnit :hammer:
I know how much trouble gman had with his on BH

So do I. I spoke with him about it the night before i headed down there and he was ok with it. He said he was over his head with it and was Ok with letting it go to someone who knew what they were getting into with it.

Yeah, and that cam syncro is behind the engine, and a major pain to get at (unless you have a body lift).

94 also has the PITA 4wabs! lol

But it is when the R134a system was introduced. This is a glass half full/empty deal, depending on your take of it.

Has the bigger (more digits) Odometer that doesn't turn over until 1M miles.

And there is more under the hood & in the dash, but don't worry about that stuff............yet. :D

Yeah, and that cam syncro is behind the engine, and a major pain to get at (unless you have a body lift).

94 also has the PITA 4wabs! lol

But it is when the R134a system was introduced. This is a glass half full/empty deal, depending on your take of it.

Has the bigger (more digits) Odometer that doesn't turn over until 1M miles.

And there is more under the hood & in the dash, but don't worry about that stuff............yet. :D

Yeah that would be a PITA... but i am not planning on having to ever do that lol.

Well i can recharge the a/c system myself for the cost of Freon at employee discount too :bounce:

I don't really mind the 4WABS. This rig should remain the way it is, with a focus on reliability and comfort

i was thinking about the rust forward of the rear wheelwells... and i am really liking the way @Four0Sport did his, I think thats what i am going to do, minus the small kicker tube he has for a step. Just the square tubing.

I agree, just cut it out and replace with tube
There is a pinch weld there under the door that is uber strong, with the load spread out it can support the trucks weight nicely

I would love to "boat side" my bii.......

The way four0sport has his, I wonder how the doors do with the rocker tube so close to the bottom?

I wonder if he is ever worried about coming down hard on a rock, and getting trapped in his rig :confused:

I don't see this rig ever getting into stuff that bad... this rock slider idea is purely for rust removal and ascetics.

Forgive me but what is boatsiding and the doglegs?

I assumed 410 was talking about dovetailing lol

It's where you cut out the rears of the rockers. These go up into the quarter. You can even replace the rockers complete.

Here is a source for them, 1991-2001 Explorer - Rust Repair Panels courtesy of @Turdle registry on his rig. He did this job complete, and on post 1080 of Betty's "I want to be a mule" progress log thread , he shows the actual product.

And another source....

Ford Body Panels & Body Parts | Ford Truck Rust Repair Panels

Damn that's pretty cheap... I might actually do that. I see that they show for the 2DR and at less that 50 bucks that's pretty sweet.

I wonder what the "slip-on" text means? I might have to give them a call when the time comes to repair that and get it painted. Spoke to a body guy and he said that denatured alcohol will remove most of that primer if it is just aerosol rattle can. and whatever wont come off (most likely the hood and roof, because of the clear coat coming off) that we can paint to match it.

I can see on the inside of the front fenders (at the hood) where it is still OEM forest green and its a night color so I think I am going to keep it that way. BUT again that is far down the list of things to do

The 94s have cam synchro!!?? Damnit :hammer:

Yes curse the cam synchronizer!

Since you're in Lebanon...there is a diff shop just south of St. Louis -- Custom Differentials -- they might have a gear set laying around for the D35, or can find one.
I had them set up new gears for my truck a few years ago, 4.10's front n rear with LS back there. it's good for what I do with the truck.

It's no wonder they fried that trans. 3.27's sucked with 31's and I can't imagine 33's, much less on hills -- i know U.S. 65 between Springfield and Branson, you can kill an A4LD there in a hurry on that road if you have the right tires, the wrong gears, and a mean streak in you.

I might have to have @gmanpaint go get me a set of gears lol.

I have driven the rig around my property (really up and down the driveway LOL) and once around the block and i am not sure if its trans slip or the combination of gears and tires but it does seem sluggish.

This project is currently on hold as i am using the drop pitman arm on my SAS project to setup the draglink, somehow i lost that rigs pitman arm when we bought a new house.

I am still on the lookout for a front diff assembly and a 95+ rear axle in 4.10.

That will most likely come after i get a few things tied up on the Black Pearl

OR...... I have a set of D35 4:10's............................ for sale. :cool2:
That works.... just need the drop-out from Pugly :moon:

Remember the front diff is busted :splat:

Assumptions are a *****, & Costs are subject to attitudes.

that's awesome. I am going to have to remember that one.

Seriously though, this project is going at the bottom of the To-Do list.

Still on the fence about keeping it or not

Yeah well, since your spending my time & $$ for me, I thought that was fitting. :D

As far as this rig goes......

You saved it from the scrap yard, and helped someone out of a jam in the process. That's 2 in the win column already.

If it was me, with too many ongoing projects already, I would fix & flip it, in a heartbeat for Mod $$.

Keeping it will cost $$, and slow down the ongoing build. But, if you want a good 4wd vehicle to use in bad weather, to keep your nice vehicles safe, that's also a plus, and a good thing to have.

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That's what I am thinking. I'm not terribly worried about the weather part of it.

But my wife has expressed interest in getting another vehicle when she goes To repo vehicles so she doesn't have the wear and tear on her equinox.
