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project green meanie

I bow down in awe ;)

Great work. That's going to be a sick rig!

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Hey Green,

Russ Rubek on here has done what you're saying to his 1st gen Ex. He took the back hatch and welded it on to the rear part after chopping the back off. It looks pretty tight!

thanks for the comps guys!i am really happy with the way it is turning out.the one pic of it sitting level isn't the ride height,it is sitting on it's temporary bump stops in the fron,and the bags are deflated in the rear.
the trails we run up here are crazy tight,i'm not sure how i am going to get this moster through the trails,but it will be fun!

i get alot of "wow,i thought you were crazy for starting a build on an ex,but man that looks sweet!" most seem to start out as hater's,and quikly turn to lovin' it! :thumbsup:

that is soo awesome! i love those shocks! where do you get them

i ordered them from poly performance in cali,i think it is.

thats the place!
and thanks for posting the pics for me.

:eek: This thing is turning out to be sweet! :cool: Can't wait to see some real action pics. :D

ok thanks

rino351 said:
that's sick. Keep up the progress!!

why's there so much body lean when you're lifting it only that high?
i was only interested in the front suspention at this time,to check if everything is i lifted one of the rear tires a bit,then i aired up the air bag on the side i was lifting,and it tips it way over!

love the rig...awesome build...I am also a BC boy...located in the interior...Prince a mog and an ex...but haven't put them together like you...tempting now though...hmm...keep up the awesome work...

HOLY ground clearance batman!
looks awesome! Cab is looking a bit rusty in spots, maybe once shes running you can knock it off on the trail or something cool like that.

ya,it has a bit of rust,but it is mostly the factory under coat that is causing it!it must trap water like a *****!the only place it is rusted through all the way is a bit on the rad support,and a little weird spot at the wery top of the was originally from michigan,so i guess that would explain it!

ya,i've been getting things done slowly.but not really pic worthy,as i really looks no different than in the last set of pics,other than i choped the rear section of roof off.
the shock hoops are completly done now.they had to stick through the hood a little because of the low ride height,and long shocks.
i had to fab up a new intake as the room was all eaten up by the shock hoops,but it looks pretty cool in there!
i am picking up a jd2 bender in the next couple of weeks,and i have the tube for the exo.
i've decided to just mount the stock tank in the cargo space instead of a fuel cell for now.i am going to make a bulk head out of checker plate aluminum behind the rear seats,and a friend is going to stitch up a removable back window fro me.
i am unsure of what to do for a tailgate.any ideas?
the next thing to do is pull out the one link with the rear diff and finish all the gusseting,then it will be finalized.

green meanie said:
other than i choped the rear section of roof off.
I'd say that's picture worthy!! :D

Sounds like you're doing pretty well on it!

i found a good deal on a 5 speed tranny out of a b-2,the koyo i think.will this work instead of the mazda tranny?will it last at all?

It will work, but it won't last. I wouldn't suggest it.

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it is real will the pedals work for a mazda once i find one of those?
and by not lasting,is that as in not lasting as long as an a4ld would? :confused: i know it isn't as good as the mazda,but it's got to be better than what it has.
it won't see street duty,and the diffs are geared so low(7.56)that they should take some strain off the tranny,don't ya think?
