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Question on X-Plan

Jig Saw

New Member
February 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello, I'm currently in the market for a new vehicle. I have the X-Plan and was wondering how it works when you special order a vehicle. I can see on the website all the different prices and stuff it would cost me for in stock vehicles. How would I find out how much it would be for the Limited 300(base)???

It is $39,995 including the destination - what does it equate to with X-Plan?

Thanks in advance,

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If you go to, you can plug in your information to get x plan pricing. I did it for an Explorer Limited base model and got $35,369 before destination/delivery etc. I think destination is $805 if I'm not mistaken. Hope this helps! :)

Sorry, that price was for the FWD, 4WD is 36,458 :)

36,458 WOW cheaper than I expected!!!! I will definitely have to order the limited over the XLT. Most XLT in my area are 38k with plan and upwards of 46-50 for Limited. THANKS AGAIN!!!!

w/ the xplan i got $2000 off mine and a bonus $1000 off if paid cash or money up front so i went to my credit union got preapproved and they gave me a blank check. Its funny how i got $3000 off the sticker and still do not feel like i got a good deal because they are so rare down here most dealers are getting full sticker and leases are a joke @ $750 per month.

With the X-plan, a couple of rebates (750 customer cash, 1,000 rebate and 750 RCL renewal), I am able to get a pretty loaded XLT, towing, dual moonroof. Did not get Navi, DVD or Bliss, but the Lease for 36 months, 12K a year is a little under $400/month. Only thing I have to pay up front is the first month's payment and tax. Just saying.

With proper negotiating, I got X-plan minus about $500, plus I got all the incentives. Dealer even threw in all scheduled maintenance for the 3 years I own it.

I have bought or leased my last 5 cars from them, so I have built up a relationship with them.

I am very happy with my deal, just can;t wait to get it. Supposed to roll of the line the week of 3/7. Hope that is right, my current Escape lease ends 3/14.

I will be driving the Ex for about $20 more a month than I have been paying for the Escape. I call that quite an upgrade!


Thanks, Dismania, on your input. I got a X plan also but I am new in the ordering car practice and I was not sure if I can get a better deal on X Plan plus incentives. I realize different dealer plays the game differently, but at least I know there is possibility to get better deal than just plain X Plan.

Not sure what's available in your area, but we got a rebate for trading in another Ford. I think it's called a Ford loyalty rebate, $1,000..

I too got the X-plan but Ex's were so scarce here that not all dealers are even honoring it (its a dealer choice, AFAIK).

Getting anything off in addition to X-plan is an amazing deal. There was nothing to bargain since there were only two in the lot and one of them (fortunately, not the one we were interested in) got sold while I was there. I know this because I saw a couple walk in, test drive, and then start calling their friends to show off their 'new car'.

I got the X-plan (~$1800 off) and the $1000 rebate from Ford. And that worked for me since the rate from my credit union was lesser than what Ford was offering anyway.

X Plan only dropped the MSRP like 3 Grand for me.

New to the boards and was wondering about this "x-plan". My dealer wants to give x-plan on a 2013 FWD EX with 301A pkg. MSRP is $41280 and with X-plan it would bring it to $39194 (-$2086). I also have $1000 customer cash and $750 private cash. With all of this I'm looking at $3836 off MSRP. Is this the best I'm going to get or do you guys think there is more room to play. There is a dealer about 45mins away offering $4500 off MSRP no questions asked. Problem is they have 2 on the lot and my dealer has about 10 (which is a lot for this area). Any help would be appreciated!

Welcome to the forum rmorg423!

I suggest looking at the out the door price for each deal, the X-Plan and the $4500 off. While the $4500 off may sound enticing, if the add a bunch of junk dealer charges on, it might not be the better deal. Go to each and get an "out the door price" (the only one that ever matters) and compare that. Then you'll know which is the better deal. Some say that x-plan is a fair price if you don't want haggle, but that with some serious negotiation, you can get the price lower.

We purchased through the X-plan. We went to 3 dealers in one day. The first two made it very easy for us to walk away, They pulled the typical slimy dealer crap, or just weren't interested in our business. The 3rd was outstanding. Up front and to the point. Had a deal worked out in 15 minutes that we were very happy with. No regrets. Could we have haggled and gotten a better deal? Maybe (some will say probably), but the few hundred dollars we might have saved couldn't have bought us a better buying experience. It was fun, and that is what buying a new car should be, FUN!:)

New to the boards and was wondering about this "x-plan". My dealer wants to give x-plan on a 2013 FWD EX with 301A pkg. MSRP is $41280 and with X-plan it would bring it to $39194 (-$2086). I also have $1000 customer cash and $750 private cash. With all of this I'm looking at $3836 off MSRP. Is this the best I'm going to get or do you guys think there is more room to play. There is a dealer about 45mins away offering $4500 off MSRP no questions asked. Problem is they have 2 on the lot and my dealer has about 10 (which is a lot for this area). Any help would be appreciated!
As Vince said, welcome to the Forum rmorg423. :wavey:
I would think that the dealer with the greater inventory would be the more motivated to make a sale. Another thing to take into consideration is the dealer's reputation, especially when it comes to service. Where I live there is a dealer 4 miles away but I leased mine from a dealer 20 miles away because of a few recommendations regarding service from other friends of mine.
It also allows me to put some miles on the vehicle. ;)


I was able to do a better deal out the door by about $300 compare to the x-plan with bonus cash and incentive. My Ex was new right off the truck with 5 miles.

It was alot of work. Haggle with 10+ dealers around three states. The best deal i found was in DC. It was $800 better. But, I was too lazy to drive 300 miles and spend additional 8 hours out of my life to get the car. I ended up buying it from Crossroad Ford 15 miles away.

New to the boards and was wondering about this "x-plan". My dealer wants to give x-plan on a 2013 FWD EX with 301A pkg. MSRP is $41280 and with X-plan it would bring it to $39194 (-$2086). I also have $1000 customer cash and $750 private cash. With all of this I'm looking at $3836 off MSRP. Is this the best I'm going to get or do you guys think there is more room to play. There is a dealer about 45mins away offering $4500 off MSRP no questions asked. Problem is they have 2 on the lot and my dealer has about 10 (which is a lot for this area). Any help would be appreciated!

The x plan is not the be all end all program, some have found better deals or a vehicle better aligned with thier needs with out it. i.E left over 12

The x plan is not the be all end all program, some have found better deals or a vehicle better aligned with thier needs with out it. i.E left over 12

Exactly, but the X-plan is an easy way to get an OK deal on a car without having to bust your hump. Then there are those who love to haggle, negotiate, and squeeze every last penny out of the deal, which is cool if that is your thing. Some people love the challenge.

In the end, all that matters is that you are happy with the car and the price you paid for it, regardless of how you got there :)
